Wohoo! I got a 6 on the Lit quiz on Tess. A whole 6! Should have been an 8, but somehow I managed to get Angel confused with Gabriel. Don't know how I managed that, don't really care, just have to make sure I don't do it on the essay next week.
Today's reason why Anime is better than real life: What? Were you seriously expecting more of these? Wow, I haven't convinced you yet? Alright, here goes: In Anime, being a musician automatically qualifies you for any lesser job; ie. saving the world, stopping invading aliens, that sort of thing, try doing that in real life.
I'm on a temporary break from Tales of Destiny II since I burned myself out playing far too much WHIS (The infernal elemental Uno variant that you're sick of hearing about), though I still don't understand the scoring of. Plus, Gnome's lair is a pain to get through, constantly running back to the start to change items.
Instead I've taken up Wild Arms 3, another RPG, though slightly less random. You start with the 4 main characters all meeting on a train regarding something most of them wish to steal, but before you get to that fun you have to play each character's background to learn the basics. So here's the lowdown (don't you love that phrase?):
Virginia (* Difficulty, out of ***): Virginia lives with her Aunt and Uncle, her mother's dead and her father is a Drifter (someone who roams the desert, apparently about 1/2 the planets population are Drifters as near as I can tell. Their village gets robbed by Hobgobs (perhaps a shortened form of Hobgoblins, but they more resemble a cross between a hobo with a knapsack and a dwarf with a pickaxe. Still with me? Good, hard as that may be to imagine, it gets worse). Virgina sets off to steal the stuff back, talking about how she wants to be able to "fly on her own." So you adventure through the little dungeon, find some items, a ripped picture of her father as a scientest (who is the man who taught her how to use guns, though the game calls them "ARMS" (yes, all caps is necessary for that)). The random enemies of the game can be avoided if you hit "O" at the right time, signified by a hulking exclamation mark above the character's head, though it depletes a little gauge so you can't do it forever (just almost forever). Anyways, Virginia dual wields revolver ARMS (6 rounds of ammo 2x hits) and gets the the boss. The Hobgob Boss (what an inventive name) is no special fight, though the game does give you a major stat boost so you can unleash "Gattling". Despite its name, Virginia only shoots the regular dual shot, the rest of the frenzied attack being a bunch of ridiculously weak punches and kicks. You win, the rest of town arrives, and you're done.
Jet (**): Jet's a Drifter, treasure-hunter with white hair and no care for memories. He explores a ruin, finds a kid hunting memories. Kills a rather pitiful boss by activating a metabolism boosting ability so he can smack the beast before it regenerates. He uses a multishot gun of some sort (4 rounds of ammo, 5-6 hits).
Gallows (**): I can only say, don't name your kid Gallows. He's a priest with spirit powers who doesn't want to be a priest so he tries to run away. You leave town after being accosted by a manical sombrero wearing mechanical pinnochio that speaks on in CAPS that is apparently a Save point and run towards the Southern Sanctuary. Along the way you fight Hobgobs. Where Virginia nimbly dodged them and killed them is 1-2 attacks, Gallows takes 0 damage half the time, and blows them away no problems (Shotgun, 3 rounds of ammo, 8x hits) even when he runs out of ammo he can fatally smack the little buggers. So you're going along, life is good, when all of a sudden you run into the demon Caterpillers. Yes, hey have a far less cool name, but that's not the important part. Where Hobgobs had roughly 25 life, these creeps have about 150 (or 3 shots from Gallows, a whole round of ammo), they also act faster than our priest and do roughly 25 damage per hit and never appear solo. That wouldn't be so bad if Gallows had more than about 120 life, but he doesn't. So that's where I died 3 times and called it a night.
Other factors in the game. Music is pretty bad, the graphics are pretty eerie: Characters are bright, cartoony, vibrant while the backgrounds are dull and bland. The battles involve lots of random running about by all involved though it serves no actual purpose. Well, the bell tolled midnight some time ago, so I must rest.