Thursday, February 27, 2003

A correction to my statement about Lakly's birthday. Apparently National Eating Disorder week doesn't technically end until Sunday, which is when her birthday really falls, but celebrating Friday still seems like the most logical of ideas.

Wow, today was a day of the stupidest drivers I have ever seen. The sheer vehicular incompetence of the people on the roads rivialed even that of the people who were in all those terrible driver's education movies. I don't have any specific details to cite, mostly because I'm trying to banish most of the images from my mind, though I think my lack of detail is more of a thing to be thankful for than something to regret.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Welcome to Georgia, home of the convergant time theorem. I didn't try out for All-State Orchestra so that I could have an opportunity to go to Prom since the weekend of All-State Orchestra fell on the day of Prom. Well, as it turns out, All-State for Speech falls upon that same day, and Cindy seems determined that we are going to go. So, if I do end up not catching a break and do get whisked away, perhaps for an encore of round 2's fun, would someone mind finding out when and where Centennial's Prom is? I have a cousin who's a junior there and if worst case comes to worst case I can double date with her and her boyfriend along with myself and someone else from Centennial. Unfortunately for my immortal soul, the only 3 Centennial people I know (excluding my cousin and her boyfriend) are Mari (who I'm not asking anywhere), Denise Boder (probably the most likely choice, though I'll be damned beyond eternity), and Joey Fuhr (who is a guy, so you can figure why Denise is ranked above him).

Well, according to Lakly, her birthday falls at the end of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (this week), so conventional logic would hold that that is this Friday.

Hurrah. Nothing quite like online comics to keep a mind distracted. Especially sprite comics, with good plot, and using FF3 sprites with affirmative action, very fun. Today's lesson: if you're going to use FF sprites, please keep it in an FF setting. Dungeon's and Dragons with Final Fantasy doesn't mix (yes, this holds for 8-bit as well).

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Well well well. Last week was too much confined in a tiny span of time. This week shouldn't be too much better, let's see how things go. I've my fingers crossed a slew of cross-referenced online comics to fall back on. Until then, I leave you with today's music of inspiration (what it inspires is half the fun)
Niko - Nights of Fire

Monday, February 24, 2003

Songs to sleep with for a depression:
Savatage : Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Cacophany : Cheshire Cat
In keeping with the Card game metaphor, let me just say that I was not the holding the high hand. It's the cost payed for trying to play the game too quickly. Well, live and learn.
The Debate Weekend, certified for public viewing by the CMS (Cindy Monitoring Service):

Alright, these go in no particular order, it just happens to be what I wrote down as I though of it, so if something seems out of order, you'll just have to suffer.

We'll start with the absolute down point of the trip. After the awards ceremony on the final day of debate (Saturday), myself and Jennifer Belding (aka: David's sister, you have to love inside debate jokes) decided that the bus's current location, which, while not far from the from entrance, was not the best of locations for loading the bus with hefty debate evidence. It was bordered by a decrepit wooden fence and a large amount of mud on the right side and the left side would have been blocking other traffic had we taken it to load the bus. So we, I do concede that Jen did the actual asking, but it really becomes a moot point, told the bus driver to pull the bus around. Stein was pissed, he didn't speak harshly, cause that would have made him look bad, he just reprimanded me (so much for not shooting the messenger). Even after Jen and I single-handedly loaded all the debate evidence and carts into the bus, we got no thanks whatsoever. And I'll tell you that crouching inside the bus and hefting twenty-pound Tupperwares full of paper is no fun.

For those of you who are not aware of the Bunny, it is Cindy's rather large pink stuffed animal that we take on speech trips. So is Spitch/Spiotch, but that's an entirely different matter. Nonetheless, this trip, because of the necessity of rotating the rooms between Debate and Speech rounds, gave us poor members of the speech team (having only 3 rounds and one of finals as opposed to 5 debate rounds and then breaking to Octofinals), had tons and tons of downtime. During this downtime, I would take the Bunny, and walk around Vestavia. During the first of these trips I ran into a rather bored and pissed member of the Vestavia debate team (who, like the rest of her team, was stuck working the tournament). This particular person was a, I this will surprise you, a short Asian named Gene who was getting ready to strangle a Policy judge who was not letting go of his ballot. I, having nothing else to do, stood in the hallway with her and a rotating pack of other Vestavia members. Needless to say that the Bunny lying on my chest being stroked by me (note, I was leaning back so that the Bunny was atop me without me actively holding it) go a lot of comments. The best being from the leader of the Vestavia debate team, a blonde male senior with a dearth of common sense as he said, "That's illegal in this state." To which my reply was "No it's not, this is Alabama."

During the second day, during our second six-hour debate down time, we on the speech team elected to recall the bus and go to the Birmingham mall. Our first stop upon arrival was prom dress shopping. No, no one actually planned to go there, but yes, it was at least a good 45 minutes we spent in there choosing and trying on dresses. Umm...let me rephrase that, they (Cindy and Becca) spent a good 45 minutes trying on dresses. I was just the human shelf. At one point in time I was holding 10 dresses while we waited for dressing rooms to open. I won't go into detail as to how nice these lovely ladies looked in the various dresses, but I will say that by the end, Cindy was rather sparkly and there had been much planning over how exactly one would go about tie-dying a prom dress. After this we went to a store called Dalia, which was essentially an overpriced girl's apparel store, and spent a bit of time there. I'm not certain if it's only me, but I think a shirt with "No shirt, no shoes, no service," would be just a little weird to see someone wearing. After this we went to the food court to have dinner, cause we were hungry by this point, and then we did some splitting up. I went with Emily Pitts to a bookstore, where I stood outside eating a cup of frozen yogurt and pondered how weird I must have looked standing in a mall, eating frozen yogurt with only my tongue, and wearing my trench coat as well as a dress shirt and tie. I finished the dessert and went into the bookstore where I choose a random magazine, Ramp for those who are keeping score, and leafed through it. It was a little section on gruesome sports injuries including color pictures. Emily chose a book and then we left, thinking that we were running low on time, which we were. Then I introduced Emily to the work of DDR by showing it to her in the nearby arcade. So to complete the lesson we took a stroll over to the Electronics' Boutique where I showed her what she would need to play, and then we headed off to the bus and got back to Vestavia just in time for awards.

We also played cards during our down time moments; Spades and some rather vicious games of spoons. We had between the five of us, 4 decks of cards. One deck, 101 Dalmations, was short exactly one card, the blue deck was complete, and we had two identical red decks, both of which were missing a two of diamonds.

Time for the Final duo round. Cindy and I got 4th place out of five teams, here were the others' pieces. 5th place was "Sure Thing" which our school had done several times as had other schools, so it was nothing special. 3rd place, "Little Footsteps" was a group who played a couple with a verbally abusive (though not profane husband) and a pregnant wife. The highlights were that the piece included a dead baby joke and a dialogue about how their drug usage might affect their kid. "With all the drugs we did I wouldn't be surprised if our son looks like flipper." "Don't say such things!" and the husband's imagination of what it would be like "Umm, sir, I'm afraid your son doesn't have a body." "Doesn't have a body?! Well, I guess I could get used to that. I mean, football's right out, but at least I can still teach him chess." "Umm, he doesn't have a head either." "What?!" "He's just an eyeball, I have him right here." "My son is an eyeball?!" "He's a rather large eyeball for his age. Oh, don't hold him like that, he blinks." "My son is a eyeball, what could be worse!?" "He's blind."

The 2nd place piece was called "Greater Tuna" and was about two local radio personalities in an imaginary town called Tuna and Cindy and I cannot figure out how they ranked this high. One of their physical actions was flicking off the judges for the first minute, well, perhaps that wasn't what they intended but he was holding his middle finger on his left hand out with all his other fingers in so it really couldn't not be interpreted that way. The victors were two girls doing "Las Hermanas" which started with two wonderfully well played old ladies and then changed into a feminist modern art song that was, while weird, very good and deserving of victory.

Mrs. Jolle also brought two pieces for us to look at for next year. One was called "Darn It" and was about two co-workers (a divorced man and his secretary) who were interested in a relationship but both brought their lawyers to negotiate the first date boundaries. After the lawyers get too involved the couple goes off without them on a date and the lawyers decide to go for a drink. Yes, the man has a male lawyer and the woman a female lawyer. Best lines: "So you're saying that all your client brings to the table is free access to all her orifices?" "Just one orifice." "Two or we walk."
The other piece was a man who is in a restaurant with when God walks in and starts stealing his pretzels. Highlights: "Wait, you mean to say that man has no purpose?" "Sometimes it just works out like that. Just like hermit crabs, I don't have a reason for them, they just are." "So, you're saying that in the grand scheme of things, a man is no more important a hermit crab?" "I bet that that's a load off your mind." "So we've been giving you prayers and worship and burnt offerings and-" "Actually, you've been really slack on the burnt offerings lately." "That's not the point." "I like pretzels more than I like burnt offerings."

Emily's most memorable moment of cindy'
We're in our room watching tv and someone knocks on the door
Cindy: Who is it?
Stein: It's stein!
Cindy: Ok (proceeds to watch tv like nothing happened)
5 seconds later Stein knocks again
Emily: Cindy! Aren't you gonna open the door for Mr. Stein??
(before Cindy could answer) Katie opens the door

Round 2, which was the reason I had Cindy's clothes in my backpack defies description, though hopefully this quote from Cindy will help you understand it: "round 2 was one hot and sweaty round, but it was great none the less."

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Alright, this is yesterday's post that was going to be until the power decided that I didn't need it to watch the episode of Futurama that I wanted to see (though I do want to see them all). Well, when power goes out at 11 and there's barely a moon, it leaves complete darkness and thus nothing to do but sleep.

Back to today:
Wow, work today was high stress. I had the Orchestra concert to look forward to and Speech coming up tomorrow and Ron on high alert since we had a major color copy job (major meaning large) and the copier decided that eating every 6th and 7th copy would be a great idea and then the whole other issue which'll be covered in brief just below this:

Here is goes. Those of you who have been acting in accordance with the plans of Cindy, back off. The table is set for two and the cards are dealt. It's my game and my pace now, it has caused enough problems and damage with my acting when there was not time to finish the play. I've started a bridge and already begun burning it. Please, spare me the pressure, I need to reevaluate what and how I play my hand else it'll be something I'm going to regret for a long time.

On a lighter note, some humor from Theodore S. Abbott:
Q: Why are fire engines red?
A: 1 + 2 = 3. The third letter in the alphabet is C. The sea is full of fish. The sturgeon is a fish. Caviar comes from sturgeons. Russians are fond of caviar. Fire engines are always rushin'. What other color could they be?

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

An addition to the saga of getting lost in Devonhall.

Not only did I get lost, but upon conferring this knowledge to Jia Jia, I was informed of the crux of my mistake (ie: which wrong turn I made) and told the proper way. Misinterpreting Jiaz's usage of the word entrance, I left his house and tried seeking a second way out of the neighborhood that would lead me closer to Sargent Road. For those of you who haven't caught on yet, there isn't one. Nonetheless I spent a very good deal of time lost in Jiaz's neighborhood before giving up.

I'd also like to point out that Roger's Bridge Road, which happens to be the little road between Bell Road and Devonhall, would make for the ultimate filming of Sleepy Hollow except for the slight danger that the Headless Horseman's mount might trip and break a leg. Other than that, it's quite perfect. Well, by night anyways, since by day the only creepy bit is the Sear's Air Conditioner that's sitting on the side of the road, like a big white fan thingy.

In the spirit of those who might not enjoy the medieval musings ofswords and sorcery I have decided to soon create a similar series of short legends on a more high tech level, but I've decided to hunt for a co-writer before beginning to care (*Cough* D"Oraz *Cough*).

Monday, February 17, 2003

Alright, total weekend blog. We start at the beginning:
Saturday Morning I woke up and went to work, bright and early. It was a greatly uneventful day, and very slow too, though there were some very wonderful conversations between Bill and the customers including the failings of the CIA and the FBI, the workings of US Cold War espionage, anti-Southern prejudice, and a variety of other random conversations. He kept one gentleman in the store for a good 2 hours, the man's wife called his cell cause she got worried, which is the only thing that ended the chat. Anyways, we closed and then I was immediately put in charge (by my mother) of hanging around an extra 20 minutes to let the pizza's finish so I could bring them home (since we were celebrating my mother's birthday). I picked them up without event and made it home, where I was inundated in family and my parents' college friends. It wasn't wonderful, but it wasn't terrible, and I survived. Saturday over, mostly, the rest of what happened was using careful manipulation to glean 3 K.K. Songs for my pad in Animal Crossing.

Sunday: I got up just in time to find out that we were going to go to the "wake" (it's iffy calling it that, since it wasn't at a church, but that's what it was) about 2 hours before it started so we could help set-up. So we did. The party consisted of all the family I'd seen yesterday, minus the parents' college friends, plus a large contingent of very elderly persons who were friends with my grandmother (Ie: the dead guys mom) and some of his fellow co-workers. Oh, and before I forget, the deceased's ex-wife and two children (my cousins) were there as well. Rachel, who's 17 and goes to Centennial brought her boyfriend and Adam, who's 14 (or somewhere around there) brought one of his friends. Am I the only one who thinks that that is just a tad bit irregular? Anyways, the night was mostly uneventful save for a few of the elderly falling into the recessed living room(its about a good 5" drop that's hard to notice). After that, I departed to join Jiaz to work on Lit and everything went totally downhill. I immediately turned the wrong way and decided to go with it since I knew that going down Jones Bridge did lead to Devonhall eventually, though I immediately followed up the first faux pas with another false step (or turn in this case) and proceeded to wander/drive aimlessly for a solid 30 minutes before giving up and going the way I knew, which involves going around Saint Ives to get to Boles Road, whereup I took the wrong juncture of Bell Road. I did eventually get where I intended, but only after about 40 minutes of wasted time and gas and some of the worst radio programming I have ever had to deal with. I have never heard worse song choices. Sum knowledge is that darkness, rain, and bad music really Fsck with Colin. I got some work done with Jiaz and got home so I could sleep, though I did borrow Yuri's revenge from Jiaz before getting home so that has been a good lessener of boredum. End Sunday.

I got woken up early Monday, yay for 3 day weekends (when does it start? I haven't seen anything resembling a weekend yet), so I could go to the Orthodontist where I could sit there for an hour before Dr. Mach got over to add a spacer and send me on my way. Then I got home in time to go to the Dentist's and enjoy the pleasure of my weak and receeding gums. Dentist appointments draw more blood than any other activity I do except donating blood, and that wins only slightly. I got back from that and then departed to join Jiaz to finish our Lit stuff, which we managed really well after alot of work and debate about the #1 White Hatian sewed Monkey/Bear/Thing.

Well, that's the weekend in a nutshell: Now for the other stuff. Supporters of the Webster Van be afraid. In celebration of the first two weeks of Feburary (Ie: both my parents' birthdays and Valentine's day) my father got a new Honda Accord, which means that the old 1990 Mazda 626 Manual Transmission with CD player is free for me to drive!

Saturday, February 15, 2003

As a revision to Jiaz's blog, I never accepted his bet, I merely asked "Where?" Cause I sure as hell wasn't going to do much more than the back of her hand for a mere $100.
I have, via Bill (my manager), obtained my new tweak idea for my vehicle. Add to my Convertable Volkswagon with a tripped out sound system, multi-disc CD player, and bass; tube the idea of changing out the Volkswagon engine for a Porshe engine. I think that deserves the title of "Zoom Zoom."

Friday, February 14, 2003

...a spillover from the darker blog I bring you a more personal, rougher truth:

Today's Riddle, Why is it that you cannot do something through a note yet you can do it via the phone?
Answer: Having done neither, I'd have no idea.

Anyone know where I can find the unabridged rules of relationships? On a related note, would it be shipped along with Sun Tzu for reference?

For anyone who cares, no I don't like leaving Her hanging, but I also don't want to make her decision a public issue. I'd rather catch her without the horde of others.

I feel stretched, twisted. I've been emotionally and mentally torn beyond my limits, and while I may grow from this exercise, it at current is naught but a recession and pain. Those maladies inflicted upon me have left me a wreck. Stress is not a fun thing, it ruins health and hunger, undoes sanity, and generally wreaks havoc.

"What is a man but the merest speck. An leaf caught in a wind, blow and tossed by the whim of powers above himself."

And now, the much anticipated rant:
My Uncle Mark passed on at roughly 11:00 PM on Wednesday night (the 12th of Feburary). The man didn't make much of a mark in his passing (on me at least, he did adversely affect his parents and children and ex-wife). He was about 45 (I don't know precisely), a chronic smoker, alcoholic, who was not raising unemployment (Econ 101: You don't count if you aren't looking). In a perhaps misguided extension of sympathy, my family went to visit my grandparents (father's side, Mark's parents) to console them. It was pretty effective for, say, the whole first 15 minutes. We brought them food (for those who've never dealt with death, you tend to forget to eat). Anyways, my grandfather is mostly deaf, meaning that every conversation that we had, was repeated at least three times (once normally, once in an attempt to let my grandfather hear, and once at near shouting levels that my grandfather would have stopped caring at that time). Needless to say, I had to walk out due to the dysfunction. We weren't having a real conversation anymore. My mother was inquisitioning my grandfather as to why his taxes got sent back to him (possibly unopened, though no one knows since no one knows where the envelope is at). There's the beginning, the rest'll come in due time, but I feel awful at the moment f'ing stress.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Sorry about the lack of ranting, I decided to have some fun with movies and my digital cable box. It'll come in due time. Jiaz, as for the X Revloution, I can't say I know for sure, but remind me that I owe you an irony about it.
Wow, Varsity Cheerleaders have an asian. Shocking. I guess Bohee (that doesn't seem to be spelled right) isn't quite as rare a breed as I'd originally though, but only slightly less rare. Still plenty hard to find more than a handful.

In rebuttal to Jiaz's little distrust post, I'd like to step forward as worse, since I do it on an unannounced blog of mine that is, within the confines of the hidden blog, encrypted in the language of my mind rather than the voice of my tongue.

As for the Rant, we'll get to that when I get home from work.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Pre Rant staging: Dysfunction, Discord, and Recalcitrence.

As for Sketch, his avatar used to be less chauvanistic, I swear.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Yay for Pep Rallys eh everyone? Well, kudos to Jeff for joining in on the fun. For those who are curious, no I didn't blow out my voice, but yes it is weakened. Oh, and this time it was Soviet instead of Mafia tone in the remainder of my voice. As congradulations Jeff I've went and hunted down Sketch's profile on Infoceptor (I'm a bit weirded that he apparently wiped his posts and resigned as art moderator, but its the same stats otherwise so I assume it's still the artist I was meaning, though the Art forum still has some very very nice artists, check it out). Anyways Hope that this works.

Monday, February 10, 2003

Video Game Music is so much fun:

Music of the Moment:
Chrono Cross OST: Magical Dreamer
Chrono Trigger OST: Frog's Theme
Chrono Trigger OST: Schala's Theme
Final Fantasy Tactics OST: Bloody Excrement
Xenogears OST: A Million Shades of Light

Sunday, February 09, 2003

On gasoline, the Lady of the Stage, bad luck, Shanghi Knights, Nintendo, and Georgia Traffic fun...

Alright, this'll be the post of my weekend, or at least the highlights (a serious misnomer as one will quickly see) of it. Anyways. We'll begin back at the start of Feburary, since that's where the story really begins. During the whole Speech at Centennial ordeal I was pretty much out of fuel. It had been 1.299 the day before and was 1.349 on Saturday. Before we go further I would like to rant that the new Debate Muskateers (yes, the all for one, one for all thing) majorly sucks. Basically the idea is that if any (hmm...needs more emphasis) ANY (sorry for the lack of underline or font size, but at the moment Blogger is refusing to recoignize the /u command and font size apparently changes the font set family, which is more than I care to deal with at the moment), which means that David was stuck after I left for a good 2 hours before he was permitted to leave, for no reason, which nearly parallels the wonderful 3 and a half hours of lockdown time those of us who did individual events had while waiting for the quarterfinals of debate to end. So back on topic. After my snoozing at Kyle's, I went and got gas, but I only got $10 worth of gas since I figured that the price would fall, but it hasn't, so now I'm nearly on empty again and its even worse of a price, damn Bush.

Anyways, moving actually into my weekend, I got up bright and early on a Saturday and didn't go to work for once, instead I was kidnapped to the CCC for a Chinese New Years Celebration (I say kidnapped only because it was never phrased as a question, not because I didn't enjoy it). So I arrived, and actually still have the hand stamp on my hand, although I never used it since our return trip into the building was accompanied by too many others to make it possible to verify everyone (yay for Dragons). At the event we (Cal, Jia Jia, Michael (who Elizabeth introduced to everyone as D'Oraz), and myself) encountered Calvin, Victoria, Charlene, Diana, Shelly, Elizabeth, Emory, Lynn, Jessica, Daniel, and Elizabeth's older brothers plus her mother and grandmother. We all had Bubble Tea, which has inspired D'Oraz to, well, ask him yourself about his plans, and had Pocky (chocolate variety) on the way back. There were many impressive performances, and anyone who wants to tell me why I have the feeling that I ought to know the girl in the drum corps, please do so. In addition, both myself and D'Oraz made continuous comments about Stage (the best nickname we could come up with since we voted down the suggestion of Forklift). Stage was an Asian girl (I'm sure that suprised you, eh?) who I'd have to guess was about 10th to 11th grade in about 1.5 inch heels, whose entire job seemed to be to stand stoic on stage, nod at the announcer's questions, and occasionally move microphones for the performers. Again, anyone wanting to enlighten the heathen caucasian swine, the email's at the top. Elizabeth and Emory performed very nicely, I think I enjoy it more with the malestrom of sleeves rather than the duet.

Moving on to that night. I got back from the CCC at around 4 I think. Well, that's a good enough guess as any. I squandered most of the night until Kyle called and invited me to a movie. Having spent the meager amount I brought to the CCC on entry and tasty foods, I borrowed $20 from my parents. Since my wallet was empty, and apparently my brain, I left my wallet on the counter and simply put the $20 in my pocket where it did not stay (though I would realize this later). So, I departed for the theater (or theatre if you wish). I arrived, drove for a good 3 minutes searching for parking, eventually found some around the back, walked to the line for tickets, and found my pockets empty. Figuring that it had fallen out when I had grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket to answer Kyle (who was already there and getting popcorn), I went back to my car and searched thoroughly. I failed to find it and return to inform Kyle, who bought my a ticket and then we got there just in time for previews. Phone Booth looks like it will be very, unique.

Shanghai (either this one or the title is wrong, but that's the way it's going to be) Knights was pretty good. I can attest that I think with the same makeup as the female lead, some of the CCC's occupants during the afternoon could easily have been just as striking. It was a standard Jackie Chan fick, though I didn't watch the movie that it was the sequel too it still made clear sense. Despite the unique name dropping and questionable enemy deaths, it was still a very good movie in my opinion. Kyle and I then tried to freeze each other to death with a conversation in the cold afterwards. Following that I returned home, found my money, "pardoned my French" a few times more (yeah, so its not an appropriate cliche use, big deal) and then went to bed.

The following morning I arose and proceeded (after a healthy breakfast of four doughnuts) to play about four hours of Animal Crossing before the incident. This incident was Jacob, Ian's obese playmate (I say that in all seriousness, well the obese part anyway. The playmate part is less true since he usually just watches whatever David or I am doing). So, anyways, prompted finally by Ian to move, he gets up from being atop my controller cord and in doing so pulls the controller out. "No problem" I thought to myself, everyone else in the famity has done it thousands of times, hell my mother's father trips over it when I have it firmly resting on the ground and he's walking over it. My mistake. In replacing the cord, Jacob depressed, just slightly, the rest button which Nintendo, in their infinate wisdom, placed directly above the first player controller port, and this hair-trigger sensitive switch proceeded to eliminate my four hours of work as if nothing had happened. I would like to note here that Animal Crossing is a live real-time game, meaning that not only does every second real live equal a second in the game, but also that every waking hour between 9 A.M. and 10 P.M. which is the only time that the only store in the game is open is of critical importance. So nonetheless, thanks to Nintendo's brillant planning, I lost my time. I lost paying off my loan, or creating the tree to grow my gold shovel (why does that look like it's spelled wrong), or organizing my house, or doing all the tasks and fishing and town cleaning that the game needed. My letters never existed and none of my efforts mattered. To accentuate my rage, the game then proceeds to have the never present Mr. Resetti (a mole whose only prior appearance insofar had been to act as the Groundhog for the town's Groundhog's day) appear. This was certainly interesting, since I hadn't seen him before, until he began to talk. Mr. Resetti, in 2 screens of text (note, small text box) introduced himself, and in 3 more screens explaned why I shouldn't reset the game, but rather, save and then turn it off (Thankyou Nintendo, as if I hadn't already figured that out), but then proceeded, over the course of 10 minutes of skipping text, to explain that he was restraining his language (which I was also ironically doing, since Jacob hadn't quite stopped saying "Sorry" and actually gone outside to get picked up by his parents yet). Thankyou Nintendo, I'm glad you had the mole to rub it in. Fsck you all over there in Seattle.

Now for the grand finale. I go to Jiaz's today to work on the Thesis for Lit. Driving across the rather unpaved parts of the road near his house both ways. So, I'm heading home and I get stuck in traffic at State Bridge Crossing Elementary. Well, eventually I notice that traffic is moving very slowly. Well, as it turns out, someone had decided that 6:00 P.M. on a Sunday would be a great time to try and pull the car that had driven off the road Saturday night out of the ditch. So I was treated with watching the flashing lights of a police car blocking traffic as a tow truck did a 1*10^1000438309760849327603218497750982676089233760893270893760893278 point turn (think an aggravatingly slow and drawn out 5 point turn) and eventually pulled the car out. Whereupon, one of the two tow truck drivers stepped out and spent forever getting the car set to be towed. So, after this wonderful ballet of stupidity, poor planning, and half an hour waiting in my car, I finially got home. A great little trip of 15 minutes that took three-fourths of an hour.

Well, that's it, my weekend in a nutshell. Minus the headaches and shoulder pains and some fun with the #1 Bear, the ungained balloons, and the Lion. Don't fret though, I'm over most of it, though I won't promise that I won't hurt you if you mention Nintendo around me.

Friday, February 07, 2003

According to Jiaz according to the radio there was a study in England which determined that men who shave more often get more pleasure out of sex. No, this has no importance to any of us whatsoever, however, D'Oraz and I would like to know what the SI unit of pleasure is (an "Oh Yeah" perhaps?).

More Yesterday stuff (this yesterday being Wednesday again). Through a wonderful round plus about thirty or fourty extra questions of Worst Case Scenario, we have discovered the following.
First, Cindy won't last very long should Armageddon arrive tomorrow.
Second, Kyle can randomly diagnose just about any disease, rash, or poisoning you can imagine.
Third. D'Oraz has major talent when it comes to deciding what bugs to eat and at avoiding the law in third-world countries.
Fourth, I simply know far too much about Worst Case Scenarioes in general (though I can't determine which bug to eat nor do I know my diseases very well).

Thursday, February 06, 2003

And now for today, now that yesterday's out of the way. Here's a personal shout out to Ting, Bill works 4342 every other Thurday :รพ.

New Email Address, which'll hopefully allow me to send Email as opposed to, name ought to change one D'Oraz and I can agree on something better, which might take awhile.

I really need to decide if I want to go to Oxford @ Emory or Tech, decisions decisions.

Today's Video Game Reminicence (I really am starting to doubt if that's spelled right) is Nights: Perhaps the only Sega Saturn game that I ever played more than an hour of, it was just that good. It was utterly fantastic though the premise sounds really stupid. You're a flying guy who grabs rings while doing loops and spins (and yes, that's just about it) while avoiding enemies and enjoying the music and artwork.
Alright, first I need to recoup for yesterday. I did have a stuff intended but my Cable went out for a good 3 minutes (during West Wing even) so I abandoned the idea.

Anyways. Yesterday's phrase of the day was "Let's go make babies," which I doubt will ever become a sucessful pickup line, but is fun to say anyways.

Anyone who has any suggestions on what to do during the vast boredom that is Music Theory, please tell me.

Today's (well, yesterday, but whatever) Video Game Reminicence is Claymates: quite possibly one of the worst platformer game ever (yes, worse than Crash Bandicoot, well, actually...) this SNES game had one redeeming feature, the theme to Cape Claynaveral. It was a cute little tune, some 16 notes long, infinately repeated. It was easy to get stuck in one's head and impossible to get out. I'm actually both suprised and thankful that no one has ripped it and put it on Kazaa.

I finally got the Diablo II mod working. Lesson learned: Don't run WinZIP and then try to extract the files yourself, it just doesn't work.

I started a little home in Animal Crossing. I've paid off the basic rent on my house and that's just about it. I got myself some rare furnture too. It's one of those dolls within dolls from Russia, but its a life size one to start with, really creepy.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Oxford at Emory sent me a T-Shirt! Check that out! Now I've still got to decide whether I want to go to Oxford or GA Tech. Liberal Arts or Tech, dilemmas...dilemmas...

I offically suck at Mario Party 3, and for this I'm very thankful, since the game is very time consuming for no good purpose. Unlike most games, when playing it I actually feel like I'm wasting time rather than playing a game.
A slight bit eerie, D'Oraz decided to pay me a visit, at work, to steal my copy of Waiting. Just a tad bit strange of him.

Well, the BC Test today did a major number on me. I really hate polar and parametric forms. Well, I concede their uses, but I can do what they do equally well in Rectangular. Music Theory is so fun. Any class where I can blatently listen to my CD player instead of paying attention is great. My next stage is to attempt that in Econ.

Monday, February 03, 2003

Well, Sir_General's Rune Mod hasn't decided to start working for me yet. I've got a forum post up to him so hopefully I'll get a response soon so I can enjoy the runic goodness.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Cindy's 2 cents (approximate value, $5.65 trillion) on the whole victory thing:

*background music* We'll be singin', when we're winnin' *fade to silence*
You guys could at least do the courtesy of hearing my side of the story before you get all judgemental. Here's what REALLY happened: "Pulled off 2nd place"? pffft. More like, WE KICKED ALL THEIR ASSES except for 2 guys. 2 African american guys. Damn I wish I were black.
Most memorable quote? "So I DID let out the gerbils, and the hampsters, and the bunnies and the raccoons"
Well, Cindy and I pulled off 2nd place in Duo (choke on that Mr. Fuhr!). Check out our mad acting skills.

I saw the Pirates of Penzance today. I won't bother with a summary since if you don't know it my words won't do it justice. Lets just say that it had the required fight scene (10 people with a total of no more than 100 total swings).

I crashed at Kyle's last night and Cervantes lived to tell the tale. My mother did that and Tarantalla got fed to the roper, must've been pure luck. Too bad I didn't take the initative and get my Warcraft III fix.

Happy Groundhogs Day.

Stupid Gamespy doesn't want to let me create an ID. All I want is my precious SGRM (yeah, there's an analogy that no one's going to decipher).

Stupid Adventurers doesn't want to load either. Its just not being my day.