Well, Cindy and I pulled off 2nd place in Duo (choke on that Mr. Fuhr!). Check out our mad acting skills.
I saw the Pirates of Penzance today. I won't bother with a summary since if you don't know it my words won't do it justice. Lets just say that it had the required fight scene (10 people with a total of no more than 100 total swings).
I crashed at Kyle's last night and Cervantes lived to tell the tale. My mother did that and Tarantalla got fed to the roper, must've been pure luck. Too bad I didn't take the initative and get my Warcraft III fix.
Happy Groundhogs Day.
Stupid Gamespy doesn't want to let me create an ID. All I want is my precious SGRM (yeah, there's an analogy that no one's going to decipher).
Stupid Adventurers doesn't want to load either. Its just not being my day.