Okay. Admittedly I should be working, but goddamn it! I think I might want to do On a Pale Horse by Piers Anthony, assuming I can find a good synopsis to refresh my memory and some credible book critiques on it. Okay, I knew that Disney was acting to perhaps turn the book into a movie; which worries me, because within the first two chapters the main character kills Death and thus takes his place and then proceeds to collect his first soul from a female who killed in a car accident when the windshield of her car impaled her. That wasn't the bad part, it was the detail in describing how said mass of glass had punctured into her breast.
The next chapter he goes to collect the soul of a man who has tainted himself by experimenting with black magic who asks Death for him to wait a moment longer so he can complete a spell that will allow him to transfer half his sins to his daughter so that he won't have to go to Hell. He promises Death his daughter in exchange (who then promptly arrives naked on the scene, coming from the shower, sees Death, and goes to get prettied up). Unfortunately for the girl, her father doesn't know that she was mind-raped (actual words from the book) by a demon and so his burden of sin will send her over to the side of evil in terms of purity, but that is not an issue until later. Sounds like a great start to a Disney movie eh?
Anyways, all that aside. I stumble upon Piers Anthony's site, hoping to find something of usage, perhaps links or something, and instead find.
Warning, Dangerous to read material ahead. Colin takes no responsability for any of it, at all.
"I trash most spam, but one amused me. It said (I'm cleaning up the language) that the average girl's rectum can stretch up to three inches in diameter, while the average horse's member is five inches in diameter. Apparently the site shows stallions painfully buggering girls. It says I won't believe it. Right on: I don't believe it. If I were a stallion, my sexual interest would be in the vagina of a mare in heat, not the rectum of a hominid. But each according to his taste. Not directly related: there was news of the discovery of 425 million year old fossil they named Colymbosathon ecplecticos, which translates into "Astounding Swimmer with a Large Penis." Maybe he needed to swim well enough to catch a female with a small rectum. "
Near Immediate Edit
Okay, a few quick things to add before I decide to cap this topic and try and find another book:
Firstly, there apparently was a comic book that was started on the book, before going bankrupt.
Check it out, it worries me as well
And Piers Anthony also apparently wrote a book...well, I'll just copy paste it and let it sit:
Other Works:
Pornucopia (1989) is a pornographic fantasy.