Yay, I managed to crash the computer, so that means that since I'm redoing the post it'll actually be short and pointed, what a rare change eh?
Alright, the nitty gritty, last night I saw Chronicles of Riddick with Kyle and D'Oraz, and after the AJC's F rating I wasn't excepting much, and that's certainly what we got. The breakdown.
Intro: The beginning is the first of three critical points in a movie, the other two being the Climax (there's wasn't really one in Riddick), and the ending (which'll get addrtessed further down), and it really doesn't do anything special. In fact, if you've seen the preview, you know the opening.
Ending: It isn't. Plain and simple. The ending doesn't resolve, it doesn't finish, it doesn't conclude. And subsequently, it doesn't satisfy the moviegoer.
Action: For an action movie, there isn't a whole lot of this, but not really a lack either. And for once, the lack of a dearth is a shame, because the action is reminiscient of the seizure. The action, set in muted colors when Riddick is fighting in the dark, is always punctuated by wild flashes of light which, while understandable for the circumstances (ie, guns being fired in the dark), render the entire sequence nigh unwatchable.
Actors: I'm not really a Vin Disel person, he doesn't really have the right voice most of the time in my opinion, but perhaps that's just me. Alexa Davalos plays female lead, and that shows how low the movie makers had to go. She's a French actress who has never been in a movie save for The ghost of F. Scott Fitzgerald and apparently played a character named Gwen in a few episodes of Angel.
Music: Uhhh...I think I can recall all of two background songs in the entire movie, none of which were any good. Then there's the music for the credits, which I hung around just long enough to figure out the name of the female lead (cause, as noted above, I had no clue who she was, since I've never watched Angel or The ghost of F. Scott Fitzgerald, but the abysmal music for the credits didn't keep me any longer than gazing at the actor listing and I walked out to avoid any serious mental damage. I'm not certain that there were any more than the two songs I heard, but either way, the music was no redemption.
Wild Card: Aka, the point where a half-assed movie can redeem itself and make its mark. Riddick doesn't. It has perhaps a dozen cute, if predictable, quips, but I certainly don't think anyone attends movies just for the dialogue (kinda defeats the point of a movie anyways), especially not ones voiced by the gruff Vin Diesel. Otherwise, I must say. If I'm subjected to the image of Riddick either donning or doffing his goggles, I may flip out.
All that aside. In answer to my own question as to what role I knew Keira Knightly (Guinevere of the upcoming King Arthur movie) from, the answer is female lead of Pirates of the Carribean, which is what I was thinking of. Those she apparently also was one of Padme's handmaidens in Episode I and a role in Bend it Like Beckham. Shrug, I don't remember the actresses in Pirates, not with Depp frontlining.
All from me for the day.