Well, I figure it's an apt enough title to be workable for my purposes. Given that I pretty much read the webcomic Goats straight through in two days I think that I'm not really supremely able to manifest creativity at such a rapid rate at the moment. Same style as the Part 1, admittedly not titled as such, bolded mini-titles.
I'm glad I'm not old
Had an interesting experience at work this morning. Watched a car pull up, diagonally, into the concrete barrier of the front parking space of the store. A elderly gentleman ambles out of the car, his equally-aged wife passively sitting slantedly (remember, one wheel is up atop the concrete barrier, offsetting the entire SUV) in the passenger seat. He walks in and our conversation ensues:
Him: "Howdy-Doody"
Me: "Hey there, what can I help you with" (He's holding a few envelopes as best I can tell at this point).
Him: (Walking towards the mailboxes, having obviously not heard me) "Howdy-Doody"
Me: "Howdy-Doody"
Him: (Puts the envelopes in the mail slot) "Do you know what that means?"
Me: *Nods* "I do"
Him: (Walking towards the door) "It means 'How do you do?'"
Me: (As he opens the door) "Have a good day, sir"
Him: (Walking out the door, more to himself than to me) "No, it means 'How do you do?'"
Anime for the Holidays
Static Subs put out a pair of Otome Episodes for Christmas, and despite my having seen the vast majority of both episodes already raw, Corsair Midori continues to be a force of raging awesomeness. Also the Otome OST1 and Mai-Hime Best Collection, as well as GxS OST2 came out and while the Otome lacks the humor song I was looking forward to, the rest of the OST is pretty nice. Good to know that Mai has a song, despite not actually having had a character appearance in the show yet. The Best Collection is really clench with some absolutely incredible songs, not enough Harada Chie though. All this of course inspired me to burn Disc 11.5, which is a continuation of Disc 11 which was rushed and semi-incomplete, mostly due to the iTunes mishap outlined in the first Holiday Blitz.
Did I mention I hate our customers?
Had another lady today come in. She was lugging a decently sized (25 x 18 x 13 I think, I didn't have the need or want to measure it) 25lb prepaid-package. She immediately berated myself and my co-worker for not having assisted her in getting it into the store. In my defense there's two tabletop coupon displays, a standing rack of greeting cards, and two posters between myself and my vision of her, so I didn't actually see her needing assistance, not that normal people should need help with 25lb objects being lifted with both hands, but that's another matter. To top it off, the shape of the store is not condusive to my coming to her assistance:
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After processing her drop-off package, she asked me to sign her insurance forms, which quickly escalated to a minor verbal fight as I told her I could hold them for the UPS Driver to sign, because those forms needed to be signed by a UPS Driver and I, was neither a driver nor an employee of UPS; as she tried to convince me that someone always signs them here (I bet Desha is to blame), and that I was employed by UPS and should sign it. In the end, she left with the forms, unsigned, and swore a string of vulgar words as she left.