Obligatory World Cup reference, and yes I did watch the game, and yeah, I was rooting for France.
Not going to be talking about the RadioBlog link, which is a fundamentally impressive set of HTML meta-code, but that's mostly coming from the no-so technologically inclined person that I am, since it sorta stands for itself.
Debating with myself whether the lingerie ploy of the second phase of 10K Commotion or the drawings of the green-haired girl at the party in early Machall is more likely to actually succeed. I'm inclinded to believe the former has greater likelyhood, but I'm certainly no expert.
So, round 1 of the Best Series Ever is over at GameFAQs, and as usual I'm certainly not suprised, though not perfect in my predictions either.
Legend of Zelda > Civilization (98.15% predicted correctly; landslide, but Civ isn't a FAQ friendly game)
Megaman X > Suikoden (77.84; guess Suik had more followers than I'd have thought)
Pokemon > Star Ocean (83.74; Suik had more support than Star Ocean even, needs more stateside games)
Metroid > Kirby (89.22%; poor Kirby, I'd expected better for the pink puff)
Metal Gear > Soul Caliber (88.25; SC had no real chance)
Fire Emblem > Silent Hill (50.65; close call for those participating, don't have the numbers so I can't say how clear a victory the actual voting was)
Castlevania > Halo (31.49%; perhaps I've been overestimating Halo's popularity, with how badly it seems to lose in all interations of GameFAQ competitions)
Kingdom Hearts > Harvest Moon (90.3%; this wasn't really a competiton)
Super Mario Bros > Madden NFL (96.11%; nor was this one)
Warcraft > Grand Theft Auto (33.94%; A close call and a large upset for those participating)
Sonic the Hedgehog > Devil May Cry (77.06%; I still don't like Sonic)
Super Smash Bros > Dragon Quest (81.25%; No contest)
Final Fantasy > Diablo (97.25%; There wasn't a question)
Mega Man > Mario Kart (62.96%; Alas poor Kart, Mega Man is still a crappy series relative to X, Zero, Axl, and Bass/Treble)
Street Fighter > The Elder Scrolls (65.96%; I admit, Oblivion's leveling system is crap. And the proliferation of vs. Capcom games should've clued me in that SF still had a powerful stand)
Resident Evil > Shadow Hearts (96.21%; Doesn't change that fact that I still need a used copy of Shadow Hearts to play)
Down to a mere 3 people with a perfect 0, 474 with the perfect 16.
Picks for the next round:
Pokemon > Metroid (Tough call actually, but I'll root for Pokemon)
Metal Gear > Fire Emblem (FE could've done so much better without such harsh opposition)
Castlevania ? Kingdom Hearts (Hard call. I think KH will edge this one out though personally I pick Castlevania for the win)
Warcraft > Super Mario Bros
Super Smash Bros > Sonic the Hedgehog (Brick, Brick, Brick)
Final Fantasy > Megaman
Resident Evil > Street Fighter