Uncle reccomends soldering to fix the Hard Drive issue, which seems highly plausable, that'll probably be a goal for next weekend. Not much else to rave about at the moment, as getting some rest is much higher on my todo list.
Yes, I do plan to at least touch on the images recently used, as well as my selection in general.
Subnotes: 1) Damn Inuyasha for movies that Adult Swim marathoned instead of Eureka Seven's Astral Apache (that's the assault on the Capital for Norbu, aka the ultra-cheese moment), as well as Renji/Kuchiki (not gonna try his first name) beating the crap out of Ichigo. And whatever Trinity Blood has up it's sleeve next.
2) Yeah, this isn't part of the original upload, but it's Christmas, and otherwise I wasn't going to have a picture at all, though the Haruhi trio with presents will probably be tomorrow's (today's) image -- that's a most excellent blush.