Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Tonic to soothe the nerves

Now that I've posted the Eureka post I have every intention of changing out Storywriter to something else. I've just gotta get on a computer with speakers so I can prove that I'm putting up a link to something that actually sounds like it's labeled and actually plays.

I figure that Blogging is a good way to take my mind off the impending interview. Mind you, I consider having an interview at all to be a good sign, no matter how far my actual resume may diverge from the notes on the job listing.

I did some shopping around this weekend, mostly looking for a few more USB Flash Drives for the family, but Microcenter had run flat out, and since their prices are roughly 4x the value I can find anywhere else, I didn't end up getting any.

Next stop was an adventure through Frye's with no actual goal, just browsing. I don't think their Music Selection compares to Best Buy's, at least in terms of my tastes (which are pretty much purely indie or obscure, if not outright foreign). No games really called out to my, I was tempted by Metal Slug anthologies for the Wii, but honestly who wants to play an Arcade game on a Wii controller (perhaps the only thing the system has going in it's disadvantage). There was no Rayman, and the DS hasn't had any monumental releases, though I've still got tons to do in Children of Mana. I'm starting to have a crisis of faith with the DS, mostly because the system is setup for two hands and a stylus, and the fear that at some point in time I'll need a third hand is kinda strong. The PSP still costs too damn much ($200) however between Valkerie Profile: Lenneth, Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion's War, and the new remastered Castlevania (Symphony of the Night on a portable is like a piece of heaven) plus the half dozen minor RPGs of no noteworthyness and the occasional other standout: Metal Gear Acid, Portable Ops, and Lumines; I'm definately going to consider it should Sony drop the price. Which is seeming more and more likely as they continue to have difficulties elsewhere (see Monday's Penny Arcade for example).

Frye's was selling La Pucelle Tactics for a whole $13 though, a great price if I didn't already own the game.

Picked up Wario Ware for the Wii though, that game is bloody amusing.

Guess I'll report on the interview tomorrow, wish me luck.