Psycho Burgundy!
Had to get that out of the way, too much fun.
The Good: Filing my Taxes for last year and realizing that the new job has slightly over triple the annual income.
The Bad: Also realizing that said new job will involve at lot more work, a lot harder (intellectually, not phyisically) work, and a commute.
The Ugly: Posting on the World of Warcraft Forums to not only indentify Popotan characters, but also to distinguish Lucky Star from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi for those less eductated on the matter.
As a parting note. Tokyo Majin GK is incredible. I haven't been this addicted to full-blown awesome shounen in awhile. Gattai level awesomeness at times. Perhaps I shout too many Guilty Gear quotes while watching it though.