Don't like the way these new headphones rest on my ears, though the mic isn't nearly as bad as the old one had gotten.
Did some empowering via Item World to crank out a pair of level 50 Infernal Armors, an 80 Infernal Armor (80 Base, 107 after affects), a 50 Beam Axe, and have a few Exaliburs and Satan's Motors slated as well as a couple more Infernals. Was using Teachers (just a 40 atm) to boost a trio of Dietician, Gladiator, and Coach - the three I had at the highest base - but have swapped over to an 80 Mediator to breed Sniper children for Cammy and Erika (Axe Beastmaster and Bow Thief) owning to the value of Hit in both of their abilities (the Beam Axe is -1700 baseline).
Gathered the Prism Ranger Pirates in the deepest of the armor trips, so that puts me at 15/16 on Maps, just lacking the damnable Animal Pirates despite several trips through the 21-40 range. Maxed on Female Warrior Lovers however I haven't really attempted to get any of the rest of them up, though Thief is at the top of my list. All the armors have triple Move boost just because it seemed the most logical choice at the time, I wasn't going for stat maxing with stacked Sentries anyways so I didn't see the need to enhance growth. Have 7 Collectors from Item World trips though, so I'm all set for Rarity matching when the time comes.
Ares (Male Warrior) is pushing level 2600 with 180K Attack, 200K Armor, and almost 570K Health. He's got the most Felonies of all my criminals however I've got no clue on the precise amount, probably not at the 300 cap yet but I have no good way of knowing except by doing the math, and really I'd rather just assume he's only got 150 or so and build on that to be safe.
Minerva (Female Warrior) finally got up to above 1000, at about 1400 right now. 300K Defense and Health with a respectable 160K Attack that's mostly driven by the level 80 Infernal since she's only got a Legendary Gaia Spear. No one seems to have any Holy Longinuses (Longini?) at the Rare rank, let alone Legendary. The fact that her only static maneuvers are Turbulence or Divine Strike is kinda weak though, since she's either Wind Reliant or single target. Spear Storm and Avalanche just don't hold it on smaller stages where I can't get the opening to use them.
Cammy (Beastmaster) has a twice range-increased Axe that gives her alot of opportunity to
counter and destroy targets that wouldn't normally be hers to hit. Anything at max range in a straight line is still Boomerang Axe fodder though. 200K attack, but without an Infernal her other stats are way behind, barely pushing 10K-30K, since her gear is sorta dated as well. Almost at 1000 though.
Erika (Thief) rounds out the powerhouses (yeah, I didn't level Adell, nor a Fist user, nor any Monsters, nor a Gun user). She's nearing 2000, but until I cap her lovers she's only got a 1.3x level range on stealing, which makes the bottom-grade pirates nigh untheftable at deeper items because of their high level multipliers capping them quickly.
Hopefully I'll have another largish anime post forthcoming now that I'm deep into Death Note (26 through)