Tuesday, December 31, 2002
For those of you who have been wondering, Tales of Destiny II is the name of the insofar nameless Playstation RPG. It consists of three main characters and a revolving fourth: the main character's name eludes me at the moment, its 4 letters and has an "ie" or "ei" combo in it. He is capable of using either axes, swords, or lances/polearms and fights either with thrusts or slashes (or the logical derived Slash+Thrust or Thrust+Slash, etc combos). His companion is Farah, who is both the unarmed combat character (having "Foot" and "Hand" skills) who doubles as the only character (so far) with any form of healing magic. The third consists character is Meredy and her companion Quickie(a small blue critter that resembles a mutant squirrel with a tail about 50% larger than its body). Just as a side note, Quickie speaks much like a pokemon does, though its seems incapable of using most of the actual letters that makeup its name. It calls itself Kweekie, so which is actually its correct name, I have no idea. Meredy (I might be leaving off an "i" somewhere in there) has come to our heroes world (Inferia, an odd choice of name) from her home of Celestia to inform us that our planets are going to collide, unfortunately she speaks only in Melnics (the game does show them very nicely for you, although they seem to be verbally based on oriental, they are graphically merely some madman's scribble. Eventually you find some earrings that allow you to understand Meredy, and from that point further everyone on Inferia can understand her broken speech (she picks up the speech habits of those around her, so she says "You Bet!" instead of yes, and some other nightmare idioms). Once the language barrier is broken anyone on the face of the planet can understand her. Whether this is because the designers got lazy or because every one except you mysteriously knows Melnics is a mystery to me still. The next oddity of the Namco produced RPG (and you though they didn't make RPGs) is the Wonder Chef. This freak, clevery disguised as household objects throughout Inferia, appears with a roll of music and a flash of light, teaches you a random recipe (which when prepaired (possibly incorrectly, which produces a random miscellanous object instead (don't ask how a failed omletter becomes a powerful crystal shard)) grants an effect such as restored hitpoints or status restoration. I presently have quite a load of pasta, and no pasta using recipes. There is also a black melting pot recipe that mysteriously takes random ingredients and produces a random effect, but I haven't played with that one much for fear of losing my precious 2 tofu.