Time for the post-Christmas postings. Firstly, the first lesson of the weekend is, ironically, lesson 4: If you see a stranger, follow him.
In other news, Halo has been beaten again, this time on Heroic instead of Normal (they go Easy, Normal, Heroic, Legendary for those of you keeping score at home), the damn flood just doesn't want to die. For those of you who've played any Lord of Destruction, think the damn reanimating zomibes (see Flux's #2 (Don't quote me on that) for more on them, maybe, or maybe not, I forget if he included them). But there is no way to prevent these genetic freaks from standing back up, I've tried nearly everything. Smacking their corpses with any weapon handy, massive amounts of grenades. The only solution I have figured out is launching their bodies off a cliff with the propulsive force of serveral plasma grenades.
Metroid Prime is very cool though it feels quite a bit like a Resident Evil clone now. I really am not a fan of 3-D first person conversions to normally 2-D games, but I did like how Zelda changed.
Vice City is very cool though I think I've hit a dead end. I can't figure out how to steal a locked tank from the middle of an armed military convoy. I've blockaded the path but the soldiers just move the cars, run people over yet they fire back with their assault rifles and my car explodes, I've tried grenades, snipering, drive-bys, all to no avail. Well, I'll check GameFAQs and see what I'm missing, more on that later.
I'm worried by HBO. They had someone (some celebrity that whose name I cannot recall), talking about Title 9 and how its destroying mens sports like Gymnastics and Swimming because more men play sports than the relative percentage of women enrolled at the school. That I agreed with, but then I figured it was meant as a satire or joke when the gentleman started saying that "Chicks don't dig lacrosse" or that "Taking these sports (Gymnastics and Swimming still being the only two cited) away from men will create a generation of flabby homosexuals (since when does stretching and not shaving my legs make me homosexual?). Furthermore, he ended by saying that the loss of sports would drive men towards the Church amd "we don't want that, do we?"