Guys and Dolls and a bunch of people that I would like to beat with a large metallic object right now.
Okay, before I let all my anger froth over onto the keyboard like an overfilled mocha latte I would like to say that Guy and Dolls is an incredible musical and any complaints I have about its actually quality ought to be fixed be Thursday at the latest (hold that: WILL be fixed by Thursday at the latest or I'll see to it that certain reasons from complaints recieve very large objects dropped on them courtesy of my stagecrew friends). As I was saying, it is a fantastic musical of great songs, wonderful dialogue and plot, and some really really funny jokes.
[Rant] I'll begin by addressing a statement made by one Ian Buchanan whereby I do quote: "the orchestra has a range of pp to mf, the band goes mp to fff." I would like to respond by saying that that wonderful high volume range of the band is not a wonderful thing if the band is accompanying, and I'll repeat that in case someone in the musical on brass reads that, accompanying someone who does not have a dynamic marked triple forte, then perhaps playing double forte yourself is a bad idea. So yeah, the Band is way too loud. Not saying that the orchestra is always quiet enough, but there is certainly a recurring issue with the brass volume.
Part two, in this musical pit there are several people who, after only the first night of dress rehearsal, I desire to do away with. Firstly, we'll name Kathleen Berry, my fellow bass player who is a complete Bitch (I saw that in all sincerety, it's her self-chosen title) because she gets bored about 3/4ths of the way through and then stops really paying attentions. Now, I don't really feel too bad about her presence, because she is a good player, but if she'd stop enouraging Adam Bailey I'd feel even less bad. Adam Bailey would be our drummer and I really don't hate him personally, just drummers in general. He's good, I'll give him that, but he won't stop playing when the songs stop (which is typical for drummers, but damn aggravating, especially when he's covering the cast and there isn't even music to be playing too loud) The third is Palmer. Palmer has a major issue with being wrong. I admit that I also had this difficulty, but I overcame it in early FIRST GRADE. Face it Palmer, the song is too slow because you don't listen to Fossum when she tells you to do it in 2. If you're going to conduct half the cut-time stuff in 4 then there is no reason why this song in 4 can't be done in 2. Secondly, don't let people yell at Dimitri when it was your bad conducting that made him rush. I'll give you that Adam was rushing "Sit Down" but Dimitri was right with you on that song. And speaking of bad conducting, there was a good reason why we did the last song 4 times and the closing music (my only complaint with the musical, the musical has none, we have to redo old songs) twice: Not because the orchestra was too loud (which I give you, we were) You. The first time I do concede was Fossum distracting you with details, but the second time was you failing to retard and the third was you not knowing your cue.
In case you all can't tell, the pressure is getting to me at last. And if anyone gets offended by the scenes of New York City nightlife (not that I foresee it happening, but there's always one) please make sure I don't find out because I will, and I swear this, Hunt them down and kill them for being stupid and a prude.
[/rant]Well, I'm guessing that this is getting tedious for you all to read so I'll leave you to your regularly scheduled programming, the usual near nothing :)
Wow, professionals do a different version of Guys and Dolls, and ours is much better in my opinion, makes more sense and sounds better.
Song in my head: Guys and Dolls - Marry the Man
Crap, I nearly forgot the janitor rant too. As it turns out, this night was the night that the janitors were going to wax the floor which meant that I got yelled at for walking through the main hall and the B-hall to put my bass away. Anyone who wants to suggest a better way to get from the auditorium to the orchestra room without touching the floor or going outside (since the end of B-hall is locked) is welcome to explain to me how I should have gone about it. That was one pissy janitor and I was seriously wondering how long it would have taken someone to notice his absence if he kept up his attitude: "I want all of you kids out of this school in 5 minutes" (which would have been great if there weren't 25 pit musicians and over 50 in cast and stage tech and rehearsal ended just 2 minutes ago (thank god we didn't go on till 10 as planned, we'd have been stuck and I'd have a criminal record) and the cast still had to change to regular clothes, get off stage makeup, and debrief.