Well. The orchestra concert went well, though it's really hard to say since you really can't hear yourself too well when you're in the damn middle of the gym, but that's ok. The concert wasn't the hard part though, it was moving the 300+ chairs from the gym back to the cafeteria. For those who like numbers better, we'll assume 300 precisely. So that's 300 chairs, stacked in sets of, well, ranging from 6 to 10 with 6 being the majority far more ofter, so 8 sounds like a good overestimate. Now, the elevator, the means of getting them up that level without stairs typically held between 2 and 4 stacks, mostly 3, so we'll use that. So now we have 300 chairs, being in stacks of 8, going up the elevator in sets of 3. I won't do the actual math, but let's just say that for a supposedly 1 hour concert (I'll give that it was fairly close, within 15 minutes of being only a hour) that started at 7, I didn't get home until 9:30 and I live close.
I did avoid having to work the damn debate tournament thanks to work, I probally could have shown up late, but I had and still have absolutely no information. Hell, I'm lucky I even knew that there was a tournament that I was supposed to work. But when I see varsity debators leaving after school and yet it seems that everyone of the speech team is required to do full tasking, I get a bit suspicious.
I have opted to go on the Orchestra trip, assuming that Palmer doesn't mind the field trip form being a day late (seeing as how I was given it the day it was due and really didn't feel like forging a parent's signature), so despite what reservations I might have about burning a precious sleeping weekend on a bus I'm in it for the long haul.
I got accepted to the Global version of NYLC (National Young Leaders Conference), and yes it is called the GYLC. I haven't checked with my other NYLC alumni to see exactly how common this acceptance is, cause I don't recall doing anything too momentous except defeating the low income housing bill, mostly out of spite, but that's a totally different story.