Again with the Blogs responding to Ting, so here goes. The Closet eh? I was just trying to remember the name of the French film that I got to see only the second half of (missed the first half to AP Lit testing). I even had a profile statement expressing my sheer amazement that the google search: french movie condom factory pretends gay returned nothing unsightly. Stupendous coincide, now if only I could find a good way to get my hands on a copy of it. So, that all said, what'd you think of the movie, deary?
On the note of disturbing things, I need to do some more research into the life of Joan of Arc before I can form this thought and hopefully get rid of it. Accursed Mightygirl and her links. Alas, now I am distraught.
Note to self so I remember why this all disturbs me, "Penis envy."