Alright, to start with, anyone know what the average age of Blogger users is? Cause I thought it was younger than 21, but perhaps Blogger people know something I don't. I ask because of this message on the main page:
"Some of us Blogger folks are going to SXSW and to kick things up a notch we're serving up free drinks and t-shirts Monday evening from 6:30-8:00 on March 15th over at Club De Ville in Austin, TX. We provide beer and schwag to our users because we care."
I added the bolding myself so you could see what I was talking about.
Warning: Colin is sick, sore throat, cough, etc. So a mix of allergies and perhaps some minor infection of the sinus, just be forewarned.
I think next time I come home I'll move all my home .mp3s to Asgard so that I can expand my music selection at school past Anime, DDR, and misc extra. Now it'll be even more anime, death metal, metal blade.
So, I present the "Lesson of the Week:"
When collecting items of Earth-shatterning importance, like say the powerstones to an ancient art of magic that could destroy the world, or the keys to a viral plague, that come in sets of 4, do not put them all in one bag, it is bad from and generally an unwise idea. Remember, easy to be transported also means easy to steal.