Friday, May 14, 2004
In other news, this new Blogger interface is kinda scary. I don't think I need a giant warning sign with an exclamation mark just sitting there refreshing itself till it finishes for a single post created, seems like a waste of someones bandwidth, but that's all I have to say. That aside, I've been looking through Wizard's Advanced Psionics book for 3.5 Edition that Kyle let me borrow. I must say, I really like the way they changed something. It's certainly not flawless but they've made alot of progress I feel. I enjoy the Psions now being based only on Intelligence, it just seemed wrong for this giant hulking brute to be able to take someone down with the power of his 4 intelligence just because he was an Egoist (Strength focused Psion), but that's been fixed. The Psionic Warrior now kinda plays like a Paladin again, which is alright, I mean, they needed some kind of spell determining stat, now they've got it. The Wilder seems like it'd be an assload of extra work for everyone to keep track of, but useful in a clinch. The new base-classed Psi-Knife really seems alot better in terms of reconciling the dual wield ability and changing sword sizes and the formerly overpowered stat damaging abilities, but still a good class, they didn't beat it into uselessness at all, still a very powerful class, and one of the few pseudo-magical-esce classes that can operate without magic, or the pseudo-magic that is psionics as the case may be. The Prestige classes are changed to match the new paradigm for Psions and seem to do so well. I haven't finished looking through everything but I still dislike that all powers do a fixed damage for Psions rather than the standard Xdice/level for Magic-uses, but oh well, the Augment concert really allowed them to slim the lines. My only two complaints so far are a) they were lazy and reused the Sever the Tie picture (a badass picture for a spell that would've been cool had it been greater than second level) for Energy Ball (which is also kinda a complaint, that they have all these amorphous "Energy" spells, it gets a little haggard trying to figure out when you can cast what to do what). The only other is that, b) the spell Deja Vu is reprinted on sequential pages. It's almost like a bad joke, giving me Deja Vu over a spell with the name and properties of a case of Deja Vu. Ahh, dear irony, though art a bitter draught.