Well, it is a dead dead dead day at work today, so Kyle and I are bored out of our mind. Which means I can finally catch up on some much needed blogging.
Firstly, Georgia Traffic is atrocious, nothing further needs to be said. No particular instance in mind, that's just how it is. If you've experienced it, you understand, if you haven't, I cannot convey the magnitude of the atrocity with mere words.
Secondly, people freaking confuse me. Driving into my Uncle's neighborhood to work on the Java project I passed a woman driving out with, yes I'm totally serious, a monkey on her shoulder! Okay, I don't know where to go to even buy a monkey, but moreover, why?! I mean, what does a monkey supply that a simple dog or cat doesn't? What is it that could ever possibly possess someone to go out of their way to get a creature, so genetically similar to themself, and moreover, as the realization that diseases from our own cats and dogs, one that can catch and spread, or historically has been a font for, diseases that can infect or mutate to a strain capable of infecting humans with ease. I guess there are reasons perhaps, but I don't know them, but I don't really care. However, I was also privledged to watch another driver zone out. One day, as I was approaching a neighborhood that I intended to enter on my right, another car from the neighborhood pulled up with their left turn signal turned on. I, moving at the regulated 35 mph for the road, turned on my right turn signal to demonstrate that even though I was moving slowly enough for 3 cars to pull out, I wouldn't be passing through the space that the other driver would be. Did she pull out though? No. In fact, she didn't move throughout the entire time I was approaching or when I was pulling in (which would've certified that I was indeed turning-right as my turn signal had been meant to present) or even as I drove past, in fact, she didn't move in the entire time as I drove to the end of the street. I stole a glance to my side, and she was simply sitting there, no cell phone, no ear piece, not reaching for anything, just nothing, at it both confuses and worries me.
Ah well. Let us discuss Eclipse, which is apparently a product of IBM, which impresses me. Those of you who aren't into Computer Programming can tune out until I say otherwise. Anyways, for those of you who are still with me. Eclipse is a free programming enviroment, and a rather spiffy on at that (yes, I just wanted to use the word spiffy). It automatically checks everything as you go, so if you leave off a } or a ; it'll let you know. Moreover, you can have it generate automatically (complete with Javadoc) all the getters and setters for the entire thing. Moreover, if it doesn't recoignize a statement, you can just hit two buttons and it'll suggest all the possible things you can do (declare variable, import another class, etc.) Plus, it's free, but the debug is a well worth it $30, it is a very nice Debug too.
Actually, that's about all I can think of to post at the moment, I'll post about the animes of the season in the future, and for those interested in my bleak academics at Tech, I think I can get some text into Melchor (if not a better layout) before the end of the week.