Friday, September 22, 2006

Blindsided's AWA starting today. I totally missed that memo somewhere along the way. Looks like they really moving into the fansub showing direction, because there are quite a few things on the showings that I know aren't even licensed yet. Some good stuff going on though, Hellsing Ultimate, FMA: Conqueror of Shambala (Listen to me fuckers, SHAM-Ba-La -- commercial pisses me the hell off). I'm on the fence whether I'll go or not, leaning pretty heavily towards no though. Dealer's room doesn't have anything to my tastes at a price I like except artbooks, and that's a slippery slope right there.

I've seen 90% of what they'll be showing, and the stuff they have listed that I haven't seen are final eps that won't be airing there anyways (like the end to Otome, though watching the first again would be amusing)

Net crashed out from beneath me last night, so I've got about half the Nipponsei releases I was looking for (ZnT OST, BlackLagoon OST), and I haven't checked out the other jewel of humor that Jiaz tracked down for me yet.

Check the Wiki for Disgaea, seems I'm still grooving with Rank 23-27 weapons, but since I'm focused on burning up Tiers rather than powerleveling (boring). I think the solution right now is to stack some Felony charges so I can pass the Cave or Ordeals using Felonies as sway. 6 Pirates down, 10 to go, those events are completely amusing still though, even if it's pretty much Ambling over and over.

I wonder if time has dulled my senses, everyone comnig in today has mentioned that the place smells like pizza. Which, given that they're nextdoor, isn't suprising, I guess I've just been desensitized.