The customer came in mere hours after that post, much to my amazement. Apparently her husband had lost his cell phone, which was why it was blocked like that. Got a home number for them, got them the packages, and everyone was happy, except for me not having an excuse for future packages for them.
GameFAQs Character Battle V has begun, on round 3 already, it'll be running for quite awhile.
(Game Futures)
Wii now has a release date (Nov 19) and a price ($250), which is excellent news, we'll see how that stuff impacts the Character Battle. I haven't actually looked at any Wii info in a long time except for a few ad/previews on Cinematech, and frankly I kinda liked a static controller, but we'll see how the Wii plays out, I'm getting Twilight Princess either way, so I have to get the Wii anyways.
Finally tracked down alot more info about the specifics of Disgaea 2 (Specialists, Lovers, Felonies, etc). This game'll be amusing for months to come. I also still think I want Ninety-Nine Nights and Enchanted Arms, but I've got patience and don't really have a 360, which works to my advantage, monetarily.
Megaman ZX came out on Tuesday and I'm thinking I'll have to get that for a kickass DS game, pending the reviews from friends and webcomics.
(Massive Comics Block-o-Text)
Speaking of, Hellbound today is pretty subpar, but that's only on a relative scale against itself, and after the "What Box?" it's got pretty tough competiton. Red Meat is recycling, without making any pretenses about it. Real Life is still bleh. Ctrl Alt Del is doing god knows what. Order of the Stick is picking it back up thanks to it being September, which is awesome news given where we stand in the story. Megatoyko's alternating awesomeness and bleh with the standard filler, and Dom owes us several rants. Mac Hall is still MIA, but that's par for the course, I wonder what Matt's up to though. Dominic Deegan is up and running now that September is here, and I've gotta admit, Best of DD was a pretty nice filler streak, though cutting back from 7 to 3 was hell on my bookmarks. It's good to see it going again, it'll be awhile building conflict before we get to the tension climaxes again, but I have patience. LICD's latest arc was suitablely more amusing than I'd expected, even moderately heartwarming (well, as much as it could be, given context). Penny Arcade mentioned Prinnies, which was a new peak and then went back to their usual high level of alternating hits and misses. VG Cats still owes us a #200, but at least he seems to be hammering them out with consistency and humor again. Questionable Content seems to be trying to get us to forget that he killed off a portion of the conflict, and he's probably suceeding; moreover, it's still really fun. Sam and Fuzzy is building towards something really great, has been for awhile, but I'd kinda like to actually, you know, see Sam as Sam sometime soon, lots of unanswered questions here. Adventurers is pretty much wrapped up, maybe 3-4 more strips to go, I think I'd rather have seen RPGWorld get an ending, I liked those characters a bit more, but Adventurers did keep it in color, just less sex appeal, fortunately this'll mean more AntiHero for Hire, which has been less rocking of late, but should pick up nicely. Pointless should be kicking it again when the grind gets going, which'll be a welcome re-addition to the lineup. 10K Commotion should be wrapping up the final (but not last) chapter sometime, which'll be sad to see the ending but I'm sick of the cliffhanger. Candy is just doing odd things, managed to blow away most of the tension with distraction and I don't think a few offhand comments and allusions are going to be enough to get it back full force. Goats is, you know, Goats, and that's just about that. Able and Baker has been awhile without a solid standalone god-pun, but it's still amusing. At least I'm focusing on the comic instead of the fact of the day, that's improvement. Something Positive is doing what it does best, and that's more than enough for me. Queen of Wands' rapid-fire reruns seem to have dried up just before the good parts too. I'd love to see the attached commentary there. Kawaii Not is a veritable mini-goldmine of a style of humor I could get used to, would like to see more updates though. Adventures with Play should have a crapton of stuff to do with the Burning Crusade stuff floating around, but I'd settle for just short one-shots again. Chugworth seems to again be moving thankfully, not that storyline is one of its strong points, and Cat and Girl was arguably worth the read to get to the end. Alot of it went over my head, but what I could get was great. Gigaville is stagnating with setup, but I think there'll be a hefty payoff as a result.
(Current Gaming)
Started replaying Starcraft: Brood Wars: Campaign for some bizzare reason. Siege Tanks still make me happy, though I should probably focus more on objectives and less on leveling the map entirely. This could've been avoided if I somehow had both my WarIII discs, but since they seem to be scatted to winds, or with Cindy despite her having her own copies, I might just pickup the Warchest again if I can get it cheaply. No Footman Frenzy sucks.
I'm trodding through Heroes of Might and Magic V's Campaign, too much blitz emphasis and using stall/diversion tactics to break even in fights, gets old fast. The Hero Progression system is awesome, but has too few options. Having to get Recruitment out of Leadership to get the Racial Specials in that tree everytime is annoying, since Recruitment is a pure Garrison ability.
(Anime Frontier)
Innocent Venus looks like it could be good, I'll pass judgement after I've seen more than the first episode plus assorted screens.
Still waiting on Ergo Proxy, luckly I'm patient.
Zero no Tsukaima is getting close to the end. Feels like a rushed ending, but with 13 episodes there's only so much that you can do.
Ray the Animation got finished, batched, I'm almost tempted to grab it just to see where the hell that series was going in 13 eps.
Ouran Host Club keeps me amazingly happy, though I feel that the only option is a more-of-the-same style ending. Not that that would make me unhappy persay.
Coyote Ragtime is gearing up for a lot in a short amount of time. There's a ton of reasons-behind and reconcilliations to be done and not a whole lot of time to do it in, somehow I think they'll manage, but we'll see.
Other than that, I've got to get Asgard to start behaving with regards to the Auxillary Hard Drive and Adobe Shockwave Flash (errors out all the time, and FlashBlock apparently hasn't been updates for the last 3 waves of Firefox updates, over a year ago?!) At least Pandora seems to run again, most of the time.
World of Warcraft's Forums are ghetto as hell, they really suck a prepairing for the bandwidth/usage hit. They should just anticipate 60% of their unique users and work from there, cause having the forums down amid Alpha-Leakage of Burning Crusade is uncool, as I'm curious and love scrouging for data when there's little else to do at work.