I think I completely blended the words Cloister and Closet for that abomination of a spelling error in my last post. Though I recreated it trying to type closet again, so I'm not really certain what flavor of neurosis has taken grip at the moment. Probably nothing serious; bodes poorly for NaNoWriMo though. Haven't decide what story to expound upon, or genre or whatnot. Action (and I nearly wrote Shounen there) tends to get length fast thanks to combat, but I'm having trouble stringing ideas together. I'm not officially participating in any capacity, but what effort I put forth will show up on Foundry (my Wordpress, not that there's much of anything there atm, just some half-done saved drafts not on display).
The PS2 should be making it's return tomorrow. Would've been today, but Sony ships 3-day select with UPS, so 2 day ground takes 3. I'm not certain what would take more than 3 days with a Texas origin, but somehow 3-day select just doesn't seem like the solid option from that perspective. Ah well, I'm gonna be too busy before the weekend to even think of FFXII / Disgaea.