The odds of this being a daily trend are probably pretty small, but since I got Flock to upload all the pictures (~330) that I'd gathered off Danbooru, and because I'm stuck late at work, I figured I'd start this idea of mine up and running. And perhaps this way I can slim down the collection or add to those of my reader (I might've made that plural, but optimism isn't my venue).
Given the nature of my choices, this'll probably never be SFW, but most of choices don't get more risque than implied or veiled nudity.
Yorichi to start it off with (there's no sorting, just the original filenames as they were collected, reversed due to the upload process). I'm a huge fan of the "casual" tag on Danbooru (Bonus points because the images have to involve clothes for the tag in the first place, so my tag-blogging doesn't come into play) and Yorichi was a great mystery for awhile. Plus, flaunting her sexuality on Ichigo was amusing to no end; her being a badass ex-ninja elite doesn't count against her either. Extra score for the pun on the shirt. And on top of that, it's an inoffensive artist watermark. Jeans and Midriff are big on my list, and the sulty look and gloves are pretty nice as well. Sorta an odd head position, but oh well. I need some more of these, they're just nice. Same reason I love the art accompanying Bleach OPs 4 and 5.