Dunwich Horror Cards are marked with a Barn Symbol.
Curse of the Dark Pharoah Cards are marked with the Pharoah Symbol.
Replacement Cards for Flesh Ward x4, Healing Stone, and Lantern x2.
11 Allies total, deal out 11 face up so everyone knows who's availiable then shuffle them.
(Note, CotDP rules add it's Allies to the Deck and force 2 discards on Terror Track advancement, reconcile this however you'd like -- though the makers suggest taking all 3 sets Allies and taking 11 each time).
With 5 or more players, place 2 monsters on the gate location indiciated on the starting mythos card.
Note that you cannot start the game under the effects of a Rumor, draw a new card.
Also note, that this applies to all subsiquent Gate Openings as well, with 5 or more Players.
Dunwich counts as Arkham for enviroment, but it's monsters do not count towards the monster limit.
Tasks and Missions steps are completed during the Upkeep Phase.
Stalkers (Purple Border) follow the indicated movement of the mythos unless there is an investigator in an adjacent Street Location or Unstable (Red Diamond) Location.
Flying Monsters will move to a street location when moving if there is an investigator present, otherwise they'll move to the Sky. They all will not leave a square with an investigator, just like other monsters.
Gate Bursts fuction normally unless the location of the burst is Elder Sign-ed. In these circumstances the Elder Sign is removed and the Gate appears with a monster as normal. When a Gate Burst occurs do not add a token to the Terror Track. Also note that when Gate Burst cards are drawn, All flying monsters move regardless of the symbols on the Gate Burst Card.
When reduced to 0 Stamina, instead of losing Clues and Items, an investigator may instead take an Injury Card. His Stamina is restored to it's maximum value, though he must still move to St. Mary's Hospital or Lost in Time and Space, as appropriate.
When reduced to 0 Sanity, instead of losing Clues and Items, an investigator may instead take a Madness Card. His Sanity is restored to it's maximum value, though he must still move to Arkham Asylum or Lost in Time and Space, as appropriate.
If an investigator has 2 or more Injury and/or Madness cards. The player may skip his turn to announce Retirement and draw a new investigator.
If a monser in Dunwich moves into a Vortex. Return it to the cup, increase the Terror Level by 1, and add a Dunwich Horror Token to the track.
Monster Surges occur when you draw a location that already has an open portal. When a surge occurs, place monsters on the board equal to the Number of Open Gates or the Number of Players, whichever is greater.
If the Terror Track is full, adding to it instead adds a number of Doom Tokens to the Doom Track equal to the amount the Terror Track would have moved.
"A Gate appears" / "A Gate and a monster appear" does cause a Doom Token to be added. Note that in the case of the latter, the Gate appears first so the investigator is drawn through without having to fight.
Characters in Other Worlds do not get Movement Points, meaning you cannot use items such as Tomes which require Movement Points while in other worlds.
Trading can occur Before, During, or After Movement. You may trade Common Items, Unique Items, Money, and Spells.
Errata: Jenny Barnes gets 2 Common Items (instead of only 1), Bob Jenkins gets $9 (not $8).
Scoring Notes
+1 per Task/Mission Completed
-1 per Investigator retired.
I'll roll this into a self-abbreviate version of the original rules sometimes, make a clear model of play for gamer's sake.