In gaming news
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade and Gears of War both go Triple Platinum (3 x 1 Mil).
Sadly the only thing in the currently slated Q1 Wii releases is SSX Blur though the Wii-Store offerings (Bomberman, Wario Woods, and Zelda) and the News Channel (goes live January 28th)) does have some high points. Wii Play get released on Valentine's Day with the extra Wii-mote to promote multiplayer, but I'm not really looking towards Billards, Fishing, and Shooting as amusment, it'll be a nice change from Wii Sports though I guess.
Random Quote:
"How about now, big boy? Do you still wish to penetrate me?... Or is it I who has penetrated you?" -- Argh, wtf is that from, it's gonna bother me cause I know I know the answer, it's just not coming to me. I can even visualize the damn sword.
Whatever, I'm gonna stop malglecting Foundry for a bit to get in a writing mood and extoll the virtues of Eureka sometime this week (I've only been saying that for 2 months now?)