Friday, March 30, 2007

Alright, we'll see if I can manage this. I don't think I've seen a customer in hours, though being here alone means that the instant I see one I'll get three, and they'll all want copies without knowing how to use the copier or packaging or speak English worse than most immigrants and take forever to ask what they want before I convince them to leave. Yesterday I didn't have a co-worker from when I showed up until about 75 minutes after I was supposed to be off the clock. But hey, I've forged my dedication in 6 years of service right? I get a $1 an hour raise, which would've been cool ... a few years ago. Now I'm faced with the prospect of cutting and running, since the ACS just asked for my application again and I seem to be told that they're going to make me an offer shortly. This leaves me sorta jaw-dropped, as I'm fairly certainly that I proved myself not only incapable but borderline incompetent with regards to the position I applied for, though I will say I was a pretty good conversationalist (but that doesn't really come as a suprise to me). Oh well, we'll see how things play out, and then figure out how the hell I adjust to night school and raiding (hint, I probably don't which will be uncool, but necessary) or just getting back into college in general (being out of HS ~4 year with over 50 credits is sorta a special case for most schools, and it's a pain in the ass to get them to be upfront about it so I can apply properly).

Ranting and mindblowing news aside, since the new season is practically at our feet I'm hoping I can get enough presence of self to talk about the few last seasons (and at this point, before that as well I guess). I've covered Ouran, and Eureka, and Haruhi already, which were 2 of the biggest hits and one of the nicer shows (should be very easy to pick which belongs in each category).

Well, mailman came, which was a distraction to my original actions. I'm sitting here holding a magazine (well, not a glossy cover, but still a magazine) entitled Mortuary Managment. On the back they advertise a "Death Care Web Store" with classic 1:18 scale 1920's and 1930's Hearses, Lapel Pins, Industry Books (Embalming: History, Theory, and Practice), and a few various other pieces. if you're morbidly curious (pardon the pun).

I checked back, seems that it's been awhile since I had a substancial post on the topic of anime (we're talking back to August here I think), but sadly thanks to the Hard Drive and Disc Space woes, not a ton has changed.

I have no clue how Coyote Ragtime ended, it got licensed and fell through the cracks. Ergo Proxy has stagnated to the point where I'm not certain I care how it ends anymore. GunXSword continues to impress me for insubstancial reasons, partially in amazement at how mundane and tripe things can be made into such annoyances, though they got literally 2 and a half casts worth of cliches running around the place, I don't really see any good way out of the mess.

Polished off the second season of Tsubasa. Gotta admit, for straying into wholly anime original territory they did great. Right up until "chaos". That name gets dragged through hell and back everytime someone parades it out. Nothing good has ever come out of it as far as I'm concerned, always just someone trying to pose an enigma and failing miserably. Kurogane's backstory was probably the highight of it all, hell he and Fye are really the only reason I keep watching, that and the glimses of Yuuko through the cracks. The Dimensional Witch is an amazing character on several levels, and honestly I'm just not comfortable with the idea of Syaoran surpassing either of them for some reason. Though I'll admit, for whatever reason, I can actually cope with Sakura being practically a god incarnate. It wasn't a bad season persay, there were some great moments, but eventually they just seemed to be leaning on them music way too heavily. Also, not enough Fye awesomeness.

(Picking back up a day later, having been waylaid by customers and plans)

I didn't manage to finish Zero no Tsukaima, nor watch the last run of Trinity Blood (which I think devolved into the exact same mess that befalls Trigun and probably GunXSword - too many villians and not enough time to flesh them out coupled with the addition of a random character with connection that was always subtly alluded to but never included). I watched all of School Rumble Season 2 that ended up getting subbed (for the love of god, someone finish this, I need more Eri), but got defrayed from N.H.K. before finishing it (that show just gets too ugly at times).

I did however finish Innocent Venus, though the less said about it the better. I could do everyone a favor and just spoil the single plot twist, but I'll do you one better and just spoil the whole series: stupid.

So let's talk Black Lagoon instead. The first season ended weak (thank god Legarch didn't get to stick around) and the second started about as bad (With the American ganster...), though once they got Greenback Jane out of the picture, especially using the Congress plot with the Church of Battle Sister, everything got good again. I'd have liked a bit more related to Rotten the Wizard and Shenhua, or at least more Shenhua in general, but we can't get everything we like. The whole epic battle in the Bowling Alley was incredible, as was the entirity of the subterfuge in the complete Japan arc.

To go more Lagoon, FMP:TSR, VVV, Tokyo Majin GK, Geass (In a future post though), and Otome: Zwei.