They're making a Live Action Speed Racer!? Why was I not informed of this atrocity against mankind earlier! And it's being produced by the Wachowski brothers?! How the hell do the makers of V for Vendetta and the Matrix Trilogy end up behind Live Action Speed Racer. May 9, 2008 US theater release date, I need to find some more info on this because the concept is really frightening.
The brother is off school for break this week. Which heralds the return of the PS2 and the 360. I'm back into the Guitar Hero 2, though admittedly progress is slow against the difficulty of the 7th song-set on Hard. Just like DDR I need to practice my running arpeggiation a bit and I should be fine. I think I'm getting good at Hammer-ons and Pull-Offs, though I haven't actually read about them so I can't be precisely sure. Having done the tutorial now, I think I'm just outpacing the motions, never would have noticed that they were restricted to adjacent notes on my own. That sort of thing just doesn't come up playing Bass, what with the whole 1 note at a time thing.
Played about 4 hours of Wario Woods against David last night. NES version via the Wii (wish it had been the SNES, the colors are better). Took a bit of getting used to the concept of immobile Crystals -- I'm fairly certain the SNES version let you move them all about. For those of you not familiar with the game, it's a fairly entertaining puzzle game, predating Tetris Attack (and about 10x more fun then Kirby's Avalanche, though that's a bit more colorful). Basically you have to make 3+ in a row of monsters plus at least 1 bomb to blow them up, triggering combos and whatnot.
In other news, I'm convinced that the opening riffs to 7 Minutes in Heaven (Fallout Boy's From Under the Cork Tree, Track 7) sounds exactly like the Kamisama Kazoku OP.