Wednesday, September 25, 2002

?/?/02 My Powers of Information Evasion. Rant 02

Isn't technology wonderful? Thanks to it, any news is capable of being relayed through word of mouth, notes, announcements, television, radio, television, IM, Email, and everything else. Yet despite all this I manage to NEVER! learn anything until either the last minute, the minute of, or when it's too late. Case in point: National Honors Society. My Junior year I learned that the info was due at about, ohhh, about a week after they were due. Senior year I tried harder, got the info sooner. This time it was only the day that it was due. Deadlines aren't the only thing I never seem to know about. I've gotten tons and tons of phone where some friend or classmate of mine will demand irritably, "where are you?", inquisitioning me as to why I am not at some function or another, which I had not been informed of before this date. Or, as far more is the case, I will know the vaguest details of the event. For example, I'll be told what, and in some cases (rare indeed) even the where of the event, but not told when until perhaps 20 minutes before, and usually during some other constraining event, like dinner or relatives (see Rant #I). Sadly, this type of last minute notification also tends to run parallel to the fact that I'm rarely wanted to be in only one place. I rarely have any form of event to attend, save from a semi-regular work schedule, yet when an event surfaces, it often lies in driect conflict with at least one other event. So I'll go from having a free weekend to having four different places I need to be, and although each is probally less than a few hours long, they will invariably all overlap. Which makes being me soo much less amusing and so much more work. I'd really, honestly love to be in more than one place at once, but physics seems to be in stark opposition to that concept, and honest if I were gonna break a law of physics it'd be so I could fly; cause traffic sucks.