Daylight Savings Time Celebration, Part 1:
Yay! I got 8 hours of sleep before today (Saturday today, not the actual Sunday Today) and then a nice 3-4 hour nap, all that to balance out the extra hour I'll be around thanks to Daylight Savings time regressing. Speaking of regression...while that would be the perfect Freud transition, no one wants to see me stereotyping Freud this late/early, or ever for that matter.
Onwards to something slightly more interesting: all that which Michael D'Orazio has wrought. Note the lack of a decisive noun, since I can't think of whether it should be called good, or evil, or whatnot; futhermore, there'd be arguement anyways.
Firstly is the power of Dvorack. For those of you that don't know what Dvorack is, it's a different keyboard setting. For example, asdfg in Qwerty (the standard: eg. What you're using right now) coincides with the vowels aieuo in Dvorack (though not nessicarily in that order). The thought behind this is that in Dvorack, common spelling errors like the, of, etc. are made far less often, and in general words can be typed alot faster. Honesty, how many times have you hit v, x, or even z while trying to get to c buried between them. So as you can, there is great style in Dvorack, though you have to learn in before it makes any sense at all.
While Dvorack in itself may seem fairly harmless enough, but what it created is the truer evil: Dvorak. The difference made by that one letter is a great one. While Dvorack is a keyboard typeset, Dvorak is a completely freelance card game. The rules of Dvorak are really simple: There are two types of cards: actions and things. You can play one of each, each round. A round starts with drawing a card, and ends with discarding down to 5 cards if you have more. It gets more complicated from there, but what it boils down to is that you can always be creating new cards and new rules, as long as there is group consensus, in an effort to win game. Winning, in itself, is fully subjective as well, since the terms for winning can be decided by the cards as well.