Thursday, October 31, 2002
Why can no one ever get my name right? I am constantly called, Josh, Ian, and Kyle. It's really something that is more of a minor annoyance than something worthy of a full-blown rant, but there are moments when it's really really terrible. Like when someone berates me for not responding after they shout something other than my name at me. I've gotten used to responding to BFG, I was used to responding to JC, I even responded to Norm for awhile (though I can prove that I sound quite different from the gentleman). I kinda have the height of Josh, I work with Kyle and Ian, but are those really fair mistakes? I don't claim to be perfect; honestly I've had many many difficulties with the trio of Veronica, Victoria, and Virginia, but there I think I have an excuse since they are all so similar. Uh oh, be continued...