Mommy, Mommy, can I go save the world now?
Sony should not be allowed to make RPG's. I would have found that fact out a long time ago, but thankfully I prevented myself from playing much of Legends of Dragoon, until now. My mistake was a product of great boredom, and quite a bit of desperation (with a lot of stupidity obviously included). I've gotten to the point where my "Dragoon" power (basically the only way you have a glimmer of hope of beating a boss) was stolen by some thief leader that I was trying to kill. Apparently I keep this very valuable sphere of power stored in the very tip of my sword from some inexplicable reason. Nonetheless, to go where they've taken my power, I have to get a pass from the King, and I need to get someone to vouch for me to get to see the King. For once I find myself not only taking other people's tasks upon myself, but also having to ask for the permission to do them. I don't recall having to ask the Mayor if I could help the old lady across the street back when I was in Boy Scouts. Oh well, there'll be more rantage on this game at a later point.