Monday, June 30, 2003

Yay. I have Bridge Mix again!
I want burning salts. I don't know if there are such a thing, but I want something, chemical sand perhaps, that, when tossed into a normal fire, makes it burn a different color. Wouldn't glowing purple flames be so cool?

I was kinda hoping to leave chemicals out of this. I mean, I realize that the product would have chemicals in it, but that being said. I was more looking for a product than the chemicals I should be stealing (cause I happen to have tons of Borax just lying around, right?)

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Okay. I think I might actually have the time and the presence of mind to do another one of these, so here goes my attempt.

Thanks Katie, first and foremost, for coming back. You were here, among us, for such a short time and I'm glad that you're back. I'm saddened that I never made All-State or ASYO (or anything else for that matter) to join you and everyone else for all the fun. Secondly, I say thank you for coming to what concerts you could, it's always nice to have a smiling face out there in the audience (besides my parents), even if the deranged lighting crew makes it impossible to see anything five inches in front of your face. Here's a toast to everything we've every shared: every chance meeting for the oddest of reasons (academic bowl, orchestra, etc.), a dozen conversations without having anything to talk about, and a promise of a rainy day chat. It's been awhile, things have changed, so I obviously cannot say that I know what properly to bequeath you for the start of college, so in lieu of knowledge, you get two. First and foremost, that rainy day chat will be fulfilled, perhaps not on a day with a cloud in the sky, but I'm not one to let my curiosity sit forever. Second, the prodigious duty of keeping track of how many coffees a day needed, because I'm betting that college is going to be that way. I can imagine it now, Colin: *Large Sigh* Today has most definately been a three-mocha day. Jiaz(Having taken a wise course load and having not procrastenated, unlike Colin): Really? Today was most certainly a decaf, extra cream. Okay, maybe not. Yeah, definately not, but I'm guessing that I've lost the presence of mind thing I thought I had. Oh well, such a pity. Well, should I think of something else, it'll get added, cause addendums are something I do often enough anyways. As for who is next? I dunno, but I think Ting would be fun, no?

Current Music: Liquid Tension Experiment: Acid Rain. Just proving that instumental songs are still good.

Saturday, June 28, 2003

I watched "Lilo and Stitch" today and I'm going to have to concede that I didn't go into the movie expecting much. It was indeed colorful, if a bit cliche. Too many of the voices I knew, but couldn't put my finger on (I had the same issue with Princess Mononoke). Honestly, this seems to me like another of those Disney needs money movies. Well, that and perhaps the fact that someone on the animation staff was dying to draw a female with a forever bare midriff, but those are just my feelings on the matter. Anyways, the music gets an okay. Nothing fantastic, but after seeing the "Little Mermaid" and playing songs from it, I'm of the belief that if there's a beach there damn well ought to be some calypso music.

I finished reading Avalon, which would have been a miracle for a daily comic starting in 1999, but the author apparently took several multi-month breaks starting at about September 2002, so it wasn't nearly as long as it could/should have been.
Current Song: Moby- That's When I Reach for My Revolver. One of the best things to come out of Life of Riley.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Well, here's today's math lesson. If I have a shipment costing $20.73 and I've already charged $15.73 of it, how much of a discount do I need to apply to the $20.73 to get it to equal the difference. The answer, according to the POS POS (No, that's not a typo, the acronym changes) system that we have over here at the former corperate store, the answer is that it's impossible. If I apply a 100% discount to the $20.73, the charge ends at $5.23. The reason for that is that apparently the $5.00 of insurance and the $.23 fuel surcharge cannot be discounted, even if I wanted to. Just another thing to go on Bill's wishlist for changes to be made to the software.

Hehe. For anyone who knows the story of the frying pan named "Concussion", Val's got a friend with a large rubber mallet named "Persuasion."
Bah. Enough of this work straight into a previously unheard of party stuff. I'm through. This week has already drained me, and I've still got a good 10.5 plus hour day on Friday and am likely working on Saturday as well. That being said, Katie, thanks for the heads up, I'll see what I can do to get there.

Okay. I have work in less than 6 hours with time for a shower and breakfast and lunch preparation factored in, so all my year end stuff is going to have to wait. That being said, I'm going to finish with the end of my anger post that was going to go up last night but I was having my blog converted: "and if anyone wants to argue that issue with me please feel free, I have an unfinished basement full of gardening tools. And if that didn't click with your little conservative minds, put simply, I have well over four dozen unothodox ways to end your life and plenty of space to hide the evidence."

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Speaking of which. Katie's next, but after a suprise party gets thrown on me and then suprise D&D atop that, I really don't have the time nor the presence of mind to get it done in any way remotely close to properly.

PLACEHOLDER: Speculation on how Evil Nikhil's taking the new UPS Store rates.
Just for the record folks, that's me warning Katie in her profile, and not the reverse. 'Course if you cannot tell that from the writing style tis a sad day, but well, everyone can't be on top of their game every day, now can they?

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Just an addendum. Jeff, I probably ought to add "dragging you to give blood with me" just because I figure it'll give me a goal to accomplish.

Anyways. Avalon is a good complex relationship comic and now I understand all the references Life of Riley made. Course, if you figure out how to tell the male characters apart, please inform me.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Alright. Let's get this little High School Ending show on the road. So. Starting at a totally random point. Despite what I said a few posts ago, there really won't be any definate form to this, and yes it might get a bit touchy here and there, but bear with me or buzz-off, your call.

Jeff, I gotta say thanks for being there, for agreeing with me, and being my ego punching bag. You've basically been background music for me this year and I'm kinda sorry about that. In college, when the crowd clears and we find ourselfs flung into a different world I pray that I'll find the time to actually be a friend in more than just semi-occasional online chats. As for that statement, mind playing moral compass for the first few months if you've got nothing better to do? I tend to be too freaking impressionable (yes, Colin did just say that, and yes, it is very very true. He likes being accepted everywhere cause there's a thrill in not only being able to wander, but knowing a good deal of everyone wherever one wanders) with new people. Anyways. You get three out of me, (Yeah I know there isn't a noun there but I don't make light promises and not much I'll be giving anyone by way of my word will be quite that heavy, I should think). Anyways, here goes. 1) You and I are going to beat Halo together, late afternoon and gaming night only because you've got to play the game with focus and sunlight is a b*tch for ruining that. And we're going to do it with style. We're going to talk, laugh, do everything I've been meaning to do, and the whole time be pumping aliens full of lead and energy with a side of grenades. Wow. That wasn't worded at all like I meant, but the point gets across I think. 2) (I never should have taken a pause in the middle, that'll cost me) My assistance in just about anything the world could throw at you. Yeah, this does really apply to everyone, but it goes here first simply because if anyone got the short end of the stick in any of my friendships, it'd be you, ponder that one for awhile dear reader. 3) Privledges to any good comics I find, cause lord knows I just realized that I have well over 4k pages of comics that I've read. I mean, MT is up over 400, Avalon and Real Life are daily and both reach back to '99, I'll have to do a mass reread in the course of a month and start posting links to the good ones. Or just the random ones like This.

There you go. The first, but not for any particular reason. That being said. I'm not posting another one at the instant, I think the way the whole thing ended up being phrased gives you an idea of why, n'est-ce pas (I've been using that line alot lately).
Well, I spent the first two waking hours of my day staving off the approach of entropy, namely cleaning my room. I have loads and loads of junk in there still, at least a good two more hours still to go. But I did revive a good load of memories, good and bad including "Bob's Delightfully Plump Non-Fat Dairy Creamer," which was the name of my Bass duet at FSU. Name was invented by Leland, my partner, who is to bass players as licorice is to jelly beans. Yeah, it can be considered one, but no one really ever enjoys them. Leland was a bass player in his schools Band (Which tells you something to start with) and actually, at risk of sounding mean, we'll leave it at that.

Jeff, is Lowes still looking for people? Cause my hours at The UPS Store are getting shorter by the day. Just wondering.

Well, I'm presently on reduced sibling days, which really rules. David's off at debate camp in North Texas, and Ian has camp every day until 3 so he's gone before I'm awake and I'm at work before he returns.

Well, we've evolved from listening to just Sinatra at work, to listening to Sinatra and Dean Martin. Bearing that in mind, the song current in my head is "House of the Rising Sun" and you can find a vast array of artists playing it, but my favorite version is Led Zepplin's.
Okay. I've chalked up another 5 comics or so, but haven't read much of any of them, but after I get through a few more, there'll be some more suggestions on good and/or bad places to waste time.

Now that Jiaz has done the year in review I ought to start saying my Thank You's and giving out my promises, ya'll see what I mean when I get the first few up.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Well, my work schedule is no longer designed to kill me. I only work 2-Close on Weekdays now, and still 10-3 on Saturday. Just an update should anyone want to try and get me to do something in the little free time I do get.

In other news, apparently Cartoon Network is soon to air a very scary show called Teen Titans, and that's all I'm going to say, you'll have to figure out the rest by yourself, but do tread with caution, it's a very scary concept.
And with Netscape 7 comes my first technical question. I have a few Mozilla HTML docs that my computer claims I need Netscape 6 to read, what in God's name can I do to alter that?
Well. Netscape 7 certainly is...different. Oh well, Again, not the time to be posting, but with all the rudimentary playstation gaming and various real world events (like work), it's about all I've got.

Waiting for My Rocket is a great CD. A good $8 buy I'd say.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Okay. So perhaps I'm not really awake and shouldn't be worrying about my Blogging Karma when I have work in the morning, but what else do I really have to do?

So. At work I've been reduced to finding amusement swinging a measuring tape around. Which is actually better than cleaning the AC vents (wow, the corperate people didn't ever clean anything, this place is still filthy and Bill and I have been working at it forever). I do think Bill trusts me, perhaps too much for anyone's good. He keeps stopping down at Blimpie to see Kannan. After we broke out all the remained LED bouncy-balls, most of which were dead from age. I convinced him (not much effort there) to take on down to Kannan. It took him 30 minutes. He called about 20 minutes in and asked if we were busy, I said no, Bill goes "well, I'm at Blimpie, I'll keep an eye on things from here." When he did come back he said that they had bounced the ball all over the store, but it wouldn't light up, what a pity. The damn corperate store has all sorts of junk. We have popcorn and topping in a box in the back. No, not microwavable, but actual, put in a popper, popcorn. It's almost scary. And all the customers keep asking where the old people went and if the prices change and then they whine (it's a 10% increase, which on a $6.00 ground shipment is nearly nothing, especially since shipments don't take sales tax).

That's life for you I guess.

Heavy DDR is kinda fun. Double DDR is actually kinda scary. The amount of reach I can get on the pads would likely get someone to shoot me in an arcade (but fortunately it doesn't ask for Left pad left and Right pad Right at the same time very often on light).

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Wow. Work today was pretty much utter crud. I mean, it wasn't busy and just dragged on and on. Bill is getting odder by the moment, I'm glad he'll be getting some breaks, cause I seriously think he's starting to lose it. He did throw a customer out, and the day took a major dip, but that's because, as a former UPS owned store, we get all the ratty, cheap-ass customers who will do anything to save a few bucks. We are constantly getting people with insane demands (I want to overnight this 4 pound package with a sig requirement (btw, sig req is a $4 charge by itself) and it better not cost more than $10. Me- Umm...Ma'am? You're looking at $30 minimum. Her- Your prices are so much worse. Me- No, 10% higher than they were. Her- I'm leaving!. Bill- Door's that way) No. That's not how the exilement went today, it wasn't nearly as pretty, but whatever, she deserved it.

I've decided that I ought to find some decent gameboy games and start using those for the spare time I have at work. Since I think it'd be at least less suspicious then using electronic systems on the big tv with Bill.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

I started today with an orthodonist appointment. Such great fun, not! I now have braces again. Not the full contingent, just my molars. Which really sucks for eating because my teeth for chewing are presently sore from the new confines, so dinner took me a good 30 minutes to eat (Spaghetti and Chicken with a lemon sauce for those keeping score). Well, I've been here before, I'll manage better after a few days. My nurse (or whatever they are called) was a young asian woman named Christina who would have made a excellent swim teacher for little children. Every time I did what was asked of me (like, opening wide) she said either "Perfect" or "Awesome." And always said it the exact same bright and cheery way, it was kinda maddening. She also would hum little random pieces of songs I've never hear before, which was vaguely disconcerting, but not overly so because I'm prone to break into random bits of jazz every now and then at work. So, the final total, is that I now have braces on 4 teeth and a chain on my wisdom teeth connected to the braces (it feels really weird with my tongue cause I've never had something of that nature before and my wisdom tooth on the right isn't quite out so the chain seems wrong (but I hope it's not). Now, the ugly part was that my appointment took a solid hour and a half and involved having (though not all at one) a dozen cotton wads, two different suction devices, a mirror, a scraper, a microwave heater for sealing the cement, dental cement, dental glue, a muzzle (okay, not really, but something close enough for you to get the idea), a least 20 little metal rings as she was sizing the braces, two pieces of wire, and at least half of a hand (several times).

At work Bill has decided his plan for me. I need to get a flat-top hair cut with bush-whacks in the front and then start drinking "Ripped Energy" from GNC and work out. I'll have to hunt down some pictures of the hair cut first before I even think about it.
I swung by Best Buy on the way back from the Cardiologist and picked up Jason Mraz's CD. I like it alot.

Anyways. Speaking of the Cardiologist, Dr. Dara Rastegar, Iranian, pronouinced my murmor "trivial" and "very minor" so now I don't have to take a few Amoxicillian pills before doing major dental or surgery. Wow. Such and improvement.

I've decided that I ought to learn to tear apart cars so I can buy something non-SUV/minivan-esce and still fit the bass in it. Oh well. Looks like I'll be buying a used CRV sometime soon.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Hey. Mark your calenders, I made a actual decision (on which restaurant to eat at even) on Saturday.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Alright, Bowling. Colin used to be half decent at bowling, but he's long since forgotten what he'd learned that actually made him good (first, follow the dots, not the pins), so I managed a mere 44 the first game (with a Spare and a Strike in there, which makes in even sadder) and then a 25 the second game. Check out that mad scoring power. Okay, perhaps now. I really am not a bowling person though, just like I detest basketball for no real reason. It just falls into the category of "sports Colin doesn't like, not even to watch."

Friday, June 13, 2003

Rainy days at work are pretty slow. Today was not exception. However, CD plan composed mainly of Frank Sinatra with a few songs of the Brian Setzer Orchestra and the Smithereens was good for the mind in periods of complete boredum.

I did clean the high level paneling above the sliding glass walls. Found loose washers and a screw. I don't think I want to know. But that cleaning wasn't nearly as amusing as the Cleaning Crew at about 5:30. Bill with his little yellow feather duster and me with my paper towels and 409, singing Frank Sinatra with the CD, which led into a discussion of the movie Antz, but that's another story.

We also had fun with a large foam mattress, measuring some 48x24x22. So Bill decided to cram it into a 50x16x13. Now, I admit foam gives a bit, but that was alot to give, yet we managed. Sure the box bulges, but that's nothing special, that's why the world gave us strapping tape.

Today was Friday the 13? Did not even notice until some customer asked me the date and we managed to combine the two facts (day of the week and the date) to come to the conclusion that today was indeed Friday the 13th.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Well, at Bill's request I brought in a couple Yes CD's to work for music. Didn't go over so well. Disc 4 song 8, "Velvey Part 2" is a bit atonal. And which song do Cathy and Joe (on seperate play throughs of the song) hear? That one and the one after it, "Money", which is a slightly toned down version of the Beetles "Song 9". Glad to know I've just been mentally docked for my choice in music. And Yes is a good band, just that one song takes a musical ear to appreciate. Bringing Beetles "One" was a much better course of action.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The sound of a car hitting a cat is not a good one. It ran away so I'm praying that it's okay. But it was the perfect end to a day that started like crap and didn't get any better.
I did not know that double ended sharpies existed until today (half fine tip, half regular tip). You learn such wonderful things at work. Also, I learned that jalapeno pepper do not belong in a reuben, but that's a different story.

Monday, June 09, 2003

Alright. Someone of Infoceptor asked everyone to create their "ultimate" burned cd. I didn't do precisely that, because it doesn't have a cohesive theme and this isn't what I'd choose if forced to, but they are all good songs, and I did do it to show musical diversity. So, anyways, was pondering what anyone else's would look like:

Moby- Reach for my Revolover
Jason Mraz - Remedy
Cowboy Bebop - Don't bother none
Pink Martini - Je ne veux pas
Trans Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve Sarajevo
Trans Siberian Orchestra - Fate
Richard Ashcroft - Bittersweet Symphony
Symphony X - Candlelight Fantasia.
Savatage - Morphine Child
Rhapsody - Soul Miner's Daughter
Niko- Night of Fire
Koudelka- Koudelka theme
Final Fantasy VIII - The Landing
Eternity X - A Day in Verse
Dead can Dance - Song of the Dispossessed
I had to listen to Bill's music at work on Saturday, mostly because Nick and I both didn't bring in any CD's, oh well. Seven run throughs of The Smithereens wasn't too bad, William Wilson is a fun song.

Friday, June 06, 2003

I remember what it was I wanted to say, and yes the Cowboy Bebop movie was unsuprisingly responsable for it. I wanted to highlight chokers, using Electra as the most recent example, and how they are simple and elegant. Yep, that was it.

Today was the ultimate in a boring, slow day. I packaged a grand total of one box. Yes, one box. That is it. I also had some more boxes thrown at me to load the trailor, and nearly fell asleep sitting on the conveyor belt. Bill's chrome dice had fallen off his car so he had them in his office. Ten points if you can tell me where he got (it's a movie) the inspiration for having chrome dice.

At work we have Paperpate PhD Multi pens. These things are very nice. One of them is a combo pencil/black pen/stylus and the other two are pencil/black pen/red pen. And with the computers over at UPS Store #4554 being so easy touch screened, the stylus isn't needed. Though playing with touch screen monitors by using two or three pens at once is fun.

In other news, today I realized how similar the words "mecha" and "mecca" sound in pronunciaton. The latter was one of the first words mentioned when I turned on my radio today, but I immediately thought the former. I think I'll blame Jiaz for that one. Oh well, just something I felt I'd mention.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Damn. There is something just resting in the back of my mind to be said. Something that I meant to blog before yesterday even, and I have no clue what it is. Oh well, I must not be that important then.

I need to go purchase Fight Club on DVD, digital cable never shows it.

Song of the Moment- Yoko Kanno - Adieu.

Speaking of which, I need to go pickup the blue soundtrack as well.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Okay, this shall be one of those blogs where I finally get around to mentioning a bundle of things I'd been meaning to mention and kept forgetting, in addition to all the usual crud.

Today was my day for going to the doctors to get everything a-okay'd for Tech. They told me originally that I couldn't get an allergist referral because I hadn't been taking medicine and that they had no Menigitis shots, both of which turned out to be lies. Now, the doctor has become an odd place for me, since I just turned "adult" and therefore go to a different place. But, all that was only made harder because when I turned 18, my father's work (and provider of the family's health insurance at Kaiser) changed databases over and my birthdate went from 1984 to 1989. In short, in one secretarial mishap, I lost 5 years; a change that screwed up my appointment so I've still not seen my true primary care provider. As an adult they didn't even check my height, though I am 173.5 lbs with shoes (I have no idea why I wore shoes but I didn't feel like taking them off and the nurse couldn't have cared less). I also needed a referral for the Cardiologist because, as not many people know, mostly because I don't care, Colin has mitro-valve prolapse, also called a heart murmor (not to be confused with pulminary stenosis, which it was originally diagnosed as). Now to do this they had to run an EKG on me (Electro Cardiogram (You see where the K comes in right? I sure don't)). Dunno what the results were, I doubt they come back that fast. Anyways, EKGs aren't anything new to me, but they sure do hurt alot more post-puberty (yeah, having a bunch of little pieces of tape stuck to my chest wasn't cool). I also got my TB test done. This would be my second ever, since I had one done just barely long enough ago not to qualify as my one for Tech. I wish them luck even finding the mark when I get back on Friday. The nurse raided Pediatrics for me to get a Menigitis shot, which I didn't feel at all (giving blood does wonders for not caring about needles. I could be a heroin addict with no issues, beyond the facts that heroin is damn expensive, illegal, and stupid of course). My trip earned me more of the medicine that I already take when I do things, so my standard fallback meds are now a moot issue, at least until I run out of things.

Next on the list of stories, I have my Cell Phone back. The reason why I didn't have it goes back to my grandparents (father's parents, paternal) whose phone has stopped working (it won't recieve calls any longer) so my mother gave them her cell phone and stole mine. Not the most interesting story, but anyone who wants to explain to me how a phone become one way, please do so.

Next order of business. For those who went to see Bebop. Wouldn't that be a great place for Tech weekends. Just drive over in two cars (mass carpool = fun, right?) and see a few movies and then go wherever else we all need to be? I think it sounds like a unique idea. Small movie theaters are cool, and cooler when everyone knows you by name.

Okay. You know the world is doomed when statements like this can be said and still hold true:
"Your Cardio has a new office at Northside. That is nice because you won't have to drive all the way down to Northside." Btw, if you are curious, it was my mother who said that.

Next on the list (yeah, I made a list, I had free time at work, loads of it) is to point out to everyone that they need to find their copy of the John's Creek Herald for the week of June 4th so you can see the lovely Governor's photo op with Jiaz and D'Oraz in it.

At work today I ate a much larger than standard piece of birthday cake because Diane and Melanie spent a solid 5 minutes convincing me that if I didn't they wouldn't let me leave because then they would be forced to and it would go straight to their hips. Not a direct quote, but really really close to it.

Next, we move on to today's AJC article on Sammy Sosa (who got ejected for having a corked bat). It's in Sports, section C, front page, top right. I'd like to quote "'I use that bat for batting practice,' said Sosa 'that's something that I take the blame for. It's a mistake, I know that. I feel sorry. I just apologize to everybody that are embarrassed.'" Anyone who can point out the two most glaring errors wins, nothing, it's that obvious. If there are more than two, I'm afraid that I just gave up reading it for errors after it. It was too damaging. What is this world coming to?

Bill has taken to calling me Abe Lincoln. Guess I better shave, course then he calls me the second coming, so there's not much I can do. Or, to quote him "the day I see Colin walk in here with a cross on his back, I'm going home. Right then.

Today's lesson. If you think you've done work I say you are wrong. You've not done work until you've stood in a little trailor as your manager hurls boxes at you. And yes, package juggling is more fun than package soccer.

Damn, so much for my master plan. Tech won't allow Neon lights so I guess if I do take the leftover MBE signs from Joe I'll have to find a different use for them.

And a final note, my car is flawed. The left turn signal won't blink.
Xenosaga comment, besides the obvious fact that I've been playing it too much. Someone, yeah I've already forgotten who, it was some 12 major cinematics ago, said Peche. The accent was too small for me to be sure, but I'm assuming that he intended Sin as opposed to Peach (the difference is a single accent mark). On the downside, the game has no load screens, doesn't need them, but everything seems a bit too long of a load. Namco should have given Square the game for polishing because Final Fantasy X does everything this game tries for, only more fluidly.

As for Jeff's comment on Kudos (curtesy of A praising remark; an accolade or compliment.

[Greek kudos, magical glory.]

Usage Note: Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like plurals but are etymologically singular. Acknowledging the Greek history of the term requires Kudos is (not are) due her for her brilliant work on the score. But kudos has often been treated as a plural, especially in the popular press, as in She received many kudos for her work. This plural use has given rise to the singular form kudo. These innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were shortened from nouns ending in an (s) sound (English pease and French cerise), that were mistakenly thought to be plural. The singular kudo remains far less common than the plural use; both are often viewed as incorrect in more formal contexts. ·It is worth noting that even people who are careful to treat kudos only as a singular often pronounce it as if it were a plural. Etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s), as we do in pathos, another word derived from Greek, rather than as a voiced (z).
Alright, for starters. I'm officially declaring myself sick (as in, in bad health), which is okay because I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow.

Work just got longer again for me. I've gone from working 4-6 @ Ron's store to working 3-7:20 @ Bill's to Noon-3 @ Joe's plus 3-7:20 @ Bills. Well, at least it is $50 a day, even if it swallows most of my day.

On to the references to other blogs part of the blog. First, Kudos to me for giving Jeff the link, props to Infoc for giving it to me, and a hearty good job Jeff for getting further than me. That thing is interesting, but not so much hard as stupid and poorly designed.

On the note of Supercomm, apparently Nextell is putting out a walkie-talkie capable of working across the US. Now I want to know how that works because Satellites would likely be inconsistant and if it had that kind of horizontal range wouldn't you be able to invert the signal and make the most ultimate directional microphone. I mean, just set up the signal right and you'll be able to steal signals from say, the Pentagon from a range of, oh...Mexico perhaps? Other Supercomm note, anyone else find it odd that there were only Concourses B and C?

As for the LED ball, I think that three balls are of course better than two. All the more fun. Plus, it was more for the odd source than the actual gain that the story arose.

And finally, the topic of cultured Katie. A point by point answer to her arguements, cause we've got little else to do at this moment besides sleep so I'm not dead tired tomorrow, but that's not the plan.

Table Manners: Start from the outside and work inwards with utensils. Right hand gets the knife. Don't slurp, no elbows on the table. Wow, basically the same rules as you'd apply to surgery or an autopsy.
Dancing involves culture? Most "cultured" dance is the waltz which you can do in your sleep, D'Oraz and I proved that one lazy afternoon afterschool.
Violence and Cussing: Play a video game with someone cultured and beat them a few times. They'll show the other side of the coin.
Appreciating Art: Doesn't matter. Art is art and you either like it or you don't. Certainly you can evaluate what it is that makes it attractive, but that's a talent and not everyone is required to have it.
Contemporary Classical Music: Is a myth, 'nuff said.
Postmodernism: It ends in -ism and therefore isn't vital to existence.
Classic Literature: At least Katie finishes the books. Plus, Weis and Hickman write really really well.
Philosopy: Damn, I was listening to NPC extoll the virtues of teaching kids proverbs and how to apply them in life and I couldn't but think how Fscking stupid the idea was. They had this girl who'd been through the cirriculum and apparently when people act mean they all start reciting the golden rule.
Europe: Good thing you've never been. WARNING: ECON STATEMENTS COMING The EU is getting pissed at Bush for depriciating the US dollar and therefore making Europe's exports more costly to us. Plus, France is in bad footing. Plus most of what we've drawn from Europe in terms of "culure" can be learned in a book in five minutes or else it's been lost to us cause we found it pointless and pretentious.
History: And anyone wants to talk about history? Hello, the past is boring for the most part and even if you do believe that time is a cycle and we are repeating the past, then knowing the past is irrelevant because you know it by knowing the present.
Foreign Languages: Neither do most other people know them. Plus, Katie knows more French than she lets on. She'll deny that, but that's okay.
Writing: Cannot write essays? Thankyou cards? Handwriting? None of those are needed to hold a good converstation. Culture rarely involves writing, and when it does it'll be invitations which are really simple.
Current Events: Grab a paper, a yahoo look, or a friend. Current events aren't that big of an issue. See History above.
Polite Conversation: Usually helps to center it around the current and present. What is happening there at that moment is a good source of discussion usually.
Travel: I've been to the US and London (for a week when I was less than 2). Being Cultured differs in areas, but to be cultured in the US you don't need any travel.
Theater: You wouldn't want to go unless you dragged people with you, plain and simple. I'd have taken the Symphony had I been in ASYO though...but that's just me.
Clothing: And this only matters if you're in a cultured enviroment.

On a final note. Working at 4554 Corperate with Bill gets really boring because its a long time and no internet. Any suggestions on how I can spend my free time w/o looking off task?

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Australian Rules Indoor Quidditch Players rejoice. I have obtained the second most important part of the game. The most important thing being a dark dorm hallway of course. Today (a term I use lightly, but I did mean to post this Monday) I opened my drawer at the UPS Store and found two rather cruddy looking plastic balls, there were no customers so I grabbed one and bounced it and it lit up. I asked Bill if he knew we had these and he wasn't sure what I had, so I gave him the second. Yvette (being our former Corperate employee of the day, she's there until this Saturday, as is Nick, the rest already left) found us playing and proceeded to go into the back (which is rather large from the appearance of the store) and brought out two nice and clean, formerly unopened bouncing LED balls. Bill proceeded to discuss how the LED activation setup was similar to that of a bomb (so I now know how to build a special trigger bomb from old mercury thermostats). Yvette did fail to ever explain to me why the UPS store had LED bouncy balls, but oh well.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Because I know it will amuse someone out there: Clickie. Most of the questions suck though, so, quiz at your own risk I guess.
Alright. After doing Car "Shopping" we stopped by Sams Club to see if the Graduation Photos had been developped, they hadn't (1 hour photo is such a misnomer) but the Bac/Orch Banquet pics had. Anyways, I picked up Xenosaga (thus the german in the previous post). Haven't started on it, and don't plan on doing so until I get through Suikoden again (all 108 this time), though apparently there is a Status Condition (Bonus? Whatever the opposite of ailment is) called Chivarly. Where, if there is a female character in the back row the character with the effect gets revived upon death. Sounds a bit odd, if cute.

So. after getting home I had intended to have a nice quiet afternoon, late lunch, and then go to the concert (though I had no idea where or when it was, typical of me). My mother decided that she was going to take the family to Sandy Springs to see Cowboy Bebop the Movie. I, not being one to pass up such an opportunity, went.

The Movie. It was a quiet little theatre way out there, $22.50 for the four of us. Small movie room, but there was only 9 people counting myself and family, making 5 strangers in the room, slightly smaller than X-2. I'd seen the few trailers that the site had out of the movie and knew basically what to expect. Didn't even know Electra was in the movie until she showed up though, but she was a welcome addition in terms of character and personality. The movie definately gets my reccomendation. It had all the great plots twists (with not too many odd occurances/loopholes), the fantastic music of Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts (though if you actually listen to some of the lyrics, you do begin to wonder) and a good mix of plot/action/humor. David asked me my favorite scene and I responded that it was when Spike asks if he can have a cigarette. I wouldn't want to spoil anything, so I'll leave it at that. There are tons of great moments though, except Jet really doesn't do much the whole movie, so if you're a fan of Mr. Black, too bad. Ed actually doesn't pull too many tricks either, but she managed enough to seem like classic Edward. The movie ends the way you expect it to, but you enjoy it enough that that isn't a problem at all.

After that I made it over to the North Springs Marta station to join up with Lulu, Cindy, and Jason (who was running on a whopping 3 hours of sleep). We got to Centennial Olympic Park after Jennifer Love Hewitt had finished and Jason Mraz was beginning as we were walking our way over. Since I came straight from Bebop I was in my, no suprise here, black Fila T-shirt and some Khaki shorts. None of us thought ahead to bring a towel, but the grass was dry so it didn't matter. I'm quite glad that I've lived long enough playing the wind without my jacket as a child because I'd have been rather chilly by the end was that not the case. The concert was great, far more than I expected. Jason Mraz sounded really good even if he did seem to be retuning his guitar every few songs. Arrested Development (wow, I'm really suprised I still remember that name) didn't impress me much, but considering that I'd gone in not expecting much, they were rather good. Shaggy was, Shaggy, and knowing how little I know of Shaggy that says something. I'm not overly familiar with his songs, but I knew more of them than I'd have gone in realizing. He does seem to like to borrow more popular tunes to put his songs to though: The Joker by Steve Miller, Annie are you Okay by Michael Jackson (redone very well by Alien ant Farm), and of crud, I cannot believe I've forgotten, oh well, it'll come to me. He wins points for insulting me, but that's a whole different topic. I spent alot of my attention on the Bass though. Very good players. Not anything that was very difficult (I could have played all but the frilly song ends, and perhaps even those with some effort), but well chose, in tune, in tempo, and nice and loud.