Sunday, June 01, 2003

Alright. After doing Car "Shopping" we stopped by Sams Club to see if the Graduation Photos had been developped, they hadn't (1 hour photo is such a misnomer) but the Bac/Orch Banquet pics had. Anyways, I picked up Xenosaga (thus the german in the previous post). Haven't started on it, and don't plan on doing so until I get through Suikoden again (all 108 this time), though apparently there is a Status Condition (Bonus? Whatever the opposite of ailment is) called Chivarly. Where, if there is a female character in the back row the character with the effect gets revived upon death. Sounds a bit odd, if cute.

So. after getting home I had intended to have a nice quiet afternoon, late lunch, and then go to the concert (though I had no idea where or when it was, typical of me). My mother decided that she was going to take the family to Sandy Springs to see Cowboy Bebop the Movie. I, not being one to pass up such an opportunity, went.

The Movie. It was a quiet little theatre way out there, $22.50 for the four of us. Small movie room, but there was only 9 people counting myself and family, making 5 strangers in the room, slightly smaller than X-2. I'd seen the few trailers that the site had out of the movie and knew basically what to expect. Didn't even know Electra was in the movie until she showed up though, but she was a welcome addition in terms of character and personality. The movie definately gets my reccomendation. It had all the great plots twists (with not too many odd occurances/loopholes), the fantastic music of Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts (though if you actually listen to some of the lyrics, you do begin to wonder) and a good mix of plot/action/humor. David asked me my favorite scene and I responded that it was when Spike asks if he can have a cigarette. I wouldn't want to spoil anything, so I'll leave it at that. There are tons of great moments though, except Jet really doesn't do much the whole movie, so if you're a fan of Mr. Black, too bad. Ed actually doesn't pull too many tricks either, but she managed enough to seem like classic Edward. The movie ends the way you expect it to, but you enjoy it enough that that isn't a problem at all.

After that I made it over to the North Springs Marta station to join up with Lulu, Cindy, and Jason (who was running on a whopping 3 hours of sleep). We got to Centennial Olympic Park after Jennifer Love Hewitt had finished and Jason Mraz was beginning as we were walking our way over. Since I came straight from Bebop I was in my, no suprise here, black Fila T-shirt and some Khaki shorts. None of us thought ahead to bring a towel, but the grass was dry so it didn't matter. I'm quite glad that I've lived long enough playing the wind without my jacket as a child because I'd have been rather chilly by the end was that not the case. The concert was great, far more than I expected. Jason Mraz sounded really good even if he did seem to be retuning his guitar every few songs. Arrested Development (wow, I'm really suprised I still remember that name) didn't impress me much, but considering that I'd gone in not expecting much, they were rather good. Shaggy was, Shaggy, and knowing how little I know of Shaggy that says something. I'm not overly familiar with his songs, but I knew more of them than I'd have gone in realizing. He does seem to like to borrow more popular tunes to put his songs to though: The Joker by Steve Miller, Annie are you Okay by Michael Jackson (redone very well by Alien ant Farm), and of crud, I cannot believe I've forgotten, oh well, it'll come to me. He wins points for insulting me, but that's a whole different topic. I spent alot of my attention on the Bass though. Very good players. Not anything that was very difficult (I could have played all but the frilly song ends, and perhaps even those with some effort), but well chose, in tune, in tempo, and nice and loud.