Alright. Let's get this little High School Ending show on the road. So. Starting at a totally random point. Despite what I said a few posts ago, there really won't be any definate form to this, and yes it might get a bit touchy here and there, but bear with me or buzz-off, your call.
Jeff, I gotta say thanks for being there, for agreeing with me, and being my ego punching bag. You've basically been background music for me this year and I'm kinda sorry about that. In college, when the crowd clears and we find ourselfs flung into a different world I pray that I'll find the time to actually be a friend in more than just semi-occasional online chats. As for that statement, mind playing moral compass for the first few months if you've got nothing better to do? I tend to be too freaking impressionable (yes, Colin did just say that, and yes, it is very very true. He likes being accepted everywhere cause there's a thrill in not only being able to wander, but knowing a good deal of everyone wherever one wanders) with new people. Anyways. You get three out of me, (Yeah I know there isn't a noun there but I don't make light promises and not much I'll be giving anyone by way of my word will be quite that heavy, I should think). Anyways, here goes. 1) You and I are going to beat Halo together, late afternoon and gaming night only because you've got to play the game with focus and sunlight is a b*tch for ruining that. And we're going to do it with style. We're going to talk, laugh, do everything I've been meaning to do, and the whole time be pumping aliens full of lead and energy with a side of grenades. Wow. That wasn't worded at all like I meant, but the point gets across I think. 2) (I never should have taken a pause in the middle, that'll cost me) My assistance in just about anything the world could throw at you. Yeah, this does really apply to everyone, but it goes here first simply because if anyone got the short end of the stick in any of my friendships, it'd be you, ponder that one for awhile dear reader. 3) Privledges to any good comics I find, cause lord knows I just realized that I have well over 4k pages of comics that I've read. I mean, MT is up over 400, Avalon and Real Life are daily and both reach back to '99, I'll have to do a mass reread in the course of a month and start posting links to the good ones. Or just the random ones like This.
There you go. The first, but not for any particular reason. That being said. I'm not posting another one at the instant, I think the way the whole thing ended up being phrased gives you an idea of why, n'est-ce pas (I've been using that line alot lately).