Xenosaga comment, besides the obvious fact that I've been playing it too much. Someone, yeah I've already forgotten who, it was some 12 major cinematics ago, said Peche. The accent was too small for me to be sure, but I'm assuming that he intended Sin as opposed to Peach (the difference is a single accent mark). On the downside, the game has no load screens, doesn't need them, but everything seems a bit too long of a load. Namco should have given Square the game for polishing because Final Fantasy X does everything this game tries for, only more fluidly.
As for Jeff's comment on Kudos (curtesy of Dictionary.com): A praising remark; an accolade or compliment.
[Greek kudos, magical glory.]
Usage Note: Kudos is one of those words like congeries that look like plurals but are etymologically singular. Acknowledging the Greek history of the term requires Kudos is (not are) due her for her brilliant work on the score. But kudos has often been treated as a plural, especially in the popular press, as in She received many kudos for her work. This plural use has given rise to the singular form kudo. These innovations follow the pattern whereby the English words pea and cherry were shortened from nouns ending in an (s) sound (English pease and French cerise), that were mistakenly thought to be plural. The singular kudo remains far less common than the plural use; both are often viewed as incorrect in more formal contexts. ·It is worth noting that even people who are careful to treat kudos only as a singular often pronounce it as if it were a plural. Etymology would require that the final consonant be pronounced as a voiceless (s), as we do in pathos, another word derived from Greek, rather than as a voiced (z).