I'll be covering myriad topics today, catching up on everything and all.
I'll get a run down of how well my predictions (which don't necessarily coincide with my actual entry) for the GameFAQs battle worked out as soon as the first round ends.
So, here's a little something to just ponder, it is an actual question that comprised the entirity of an employment application, and the answer that got the job is interesting.
"You're driving along on a dark, rainy night when you pass by a bus stop where you see 3 people waiting:
The first is an elderly woman who is quite sick and will certainly die if she is not taken to a hospital.
The second is your best friend who once saved you life.
The third is the perfect lover of your dreams.
So, who do you take with you in your car knowing that you can only take one of them (Note, don't even think about bending this rule). Do you save the old woman's life? What about your best friend who once saved your life? You may never meet your perfect mate again."
I'll leave the answer that was chosen for the end of all my rambling, but I would like to point out that it seems like the Best Friend is just setup to be shafted in this whole deal, a shame.
Well, Spring Semester is over, so no more will I be in Uzer's Physics class, no more T-shirts with Math is Hard or I Make Stuff Up, I somehow doubt my Physics II professor will be interesting.
For once I don't have a little handwritten note of all the events that need retelling, or not retelling as might be the case with my threat to use Jason's shower. My rage over the annoying David @ the Apt place has pretty much subsided now that all the stupid forms are in the past, hopefully it'll be some good times.
Actually I think I'll leave the winning answer to the question above for later, just as incentive to do a bit more blogging when I actually make it home, and am a bit more focused.