Even if my internet connection isn't always, hazards of the place I guess, nothing major, just an annoyance, but I'll get over it at some point. As usual, I really need to shave, but other parts of school life and moving in have taken major priority, so that'll be something I'll hopefully take care of soon, lest I have to kill a fresh blade entirely in one go.
After lunch today I had about an hour to burn so I went to my standard kill-an-hour-on-campus spot, the Music Listening Room. Turns out they've had a DDR machine added since the last time I was there. I feel that it is very fitting. Listened to Daft Punk's album Homework, still the only Daft Punk the MLR has on tap, but it's a good CD so no complaints here. Put me in an Interstella 5555 mood though. The lights on the volume control for my headset flashed in time to the music, which was fun to watch.
Anyways, a few quotes from my various Professors of this year and last, just for general amusement purposes.
Physics 2111, the second time:
* "Now if [he moves the center of rotation of a sphere to a line that doesn't pass through the center] you as students have a pretty justified case for child abuse. So no, that won't be on the final."
* Prof: "Alright, everyone get out your PRS's"
Student: "PRS is the highlight of my day."
Prof: "PRS is a big fucking pain in the ass."
-A few minutes later-
Prof: "I hope no one is recording this, there's only so much that tenure can save you from.
ECE 2025 (also the second time I guess, though I withdrew the first time, so not really retaking):
* "Saying Shit into an early synthesizer and listening to it play it's demo song with that /7 Shit shit, shit shit shit /7, that was the pinnacle of humor at age 13. I'm trying to cuss less in lecture."
* "The Math and Physics people make fun of us for using j instead of i, but we make more money then them."
My ECE Recit prof (I'm going to enjoy this).
* Comes in and starts up his computer while lowering the screen and turning on the projector. "Windows '95 on my Pentium 1 Laptop, it'll be a minute."
* Drawing a sample sinusoidal wave, "Now let's say that this is graph of... Ameobia Lifespans in Alaska."
* "Nothing happens instantaneously, nothing lasts forever, well, unless you're in the math department, but we have to build things that actually work."
* After drawing a Frequency against Amplitude Spectrum and declaring that it was an Impulse Graph, "Now I know those of you who've been in higher level math are going 'Oh no, Impulse graph, infinately tall, infinately thin' but this is ECE, so just pretend that it's merely really really tall and really really thin."
* Prof: "Has anyone taken any of the higher level ECE courses yet?"
Me: "Does it count if I took this before and dropped it?"
Prof: "Shh...don't scare the rest of them like that."
* As he tries out and throws away 3 dry erase markers, "When you all graduate and become rich, I want you to send me lots and lots of markers."
* "Can something ever be totally quiet? Abraham Lincoln's speeches are still floating around out there somewhere, but they've lost so much energy over time that things like grass growing and century old hurricanes drown them out."
* Continuing in the same topic as the above. "You can sit in one of [room with padded ceiling, floor, and walls to absorb noise] and you'll still hear this 'ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump'. The sound of your blood flowing. And if you shift you'll hear all your clothes rustle. Drive yourself crazy really fast."
Alright, time for me to get some sleep so I can be up for work. Hopefully I find some time to make a mark on Jiaz's Random Curiosity with some of the anime I was finally able to get after buying my 100' ethernet cable (and yes, I needed most of that to reach the router). Well, I wish myself luck, lots to do tomorrow. All my classes plus getting a cake and heading home for David's Graduation on Saturday.
Hope everyone else is having fun these days, for a summer semester there's still alot of people I know around campus.
Song of the moment,
Hazel Fernandez - Number One (Vocal Version)
off the Bleach OST.