This keyboard does not have a functioning left Ctrl key, it's starting to bother me. Anyways, let's see how well my guesses were.
Quick link to the stats from last round here.
So, I made three mistakes. I underestimated Devil May Cry's fanbase and, as usual, I expected more out of Final Fantasy and less out of Sonic. And of course I figured there'd be more Suikoden support, but that is not the case.
Those mistakes aside, the next round is now set.
Round 2:
Battle 1
Bowser vs. Sigma
Should probably be a landslide of a victory. While Megaman has cool villains and everything, Bowser will take this round, Dr. Wily stands a much better chance than Sigma.
Battle 2
Revolver Ocelot vs. Dr. Wiley
I think Megaman's main foe might be just strong enough to edge out a victory over the gunman who was foolish enough to be possessed by a regrafted hand. Then again, there is strong support for both sides so it will be close, but my bet is on the Dr.
Battle 3:
Sephiroth vs. Vergil
Well, I was wrong to think that Vergil wouldn't get this far, that was my mistake, but he's not going any further. No question, no contest.
Battle 4:
Lavos vs. Liquid Snake
Again, this will likely be a fairly close battle and I'm not certain that Lavos will prevail over a better Metal Gear Solid character who manages to live on even after death, but I'm thinking that since Lavos should have the support of most of the RPG and specifically Final Fantasy fanbase he could manage to win this one.
Battle 5:
Kefka vs. Wesker
I take back all the bad things I said about Wesker last time. Yes, he is far behind the scenes, but he also has a hand in practically everthing occurs in all of the Resident Evils 1 through 4, and he does alot of pretty damn villainous things. Not nearly on a Kefka scale, but still pretty villainous.
Battle 6:
M.Bison vs. Diablo
It's sad to say that I think that Diablo is the underdog suprise of the contest, but I was expecting that. I think that Diablo has enough undercurrent support to be a strong part of the contest. With that said I could concieve of the only Fighting Game character evil enough to be considered a Villain taking him down, but for now my support is on Diablo's massive PC fanbase which should give him the edge in a mostly console contest.
Battle 7:
Ganondorf vs. Ansem
Ansem doesn't play a very massive role in the first Kingdom Hearts and really hasn't made his presence known in the GBA continuation. I'm glad he made it two Round two and I'm hoping for big things out of the second game, but either way he's going to be crushed this round. Ganondorf is bigger, better, badder, and has the Smash Brothers background to seal his total victory.
Battle 8:
Robotnik vs. Master Hand
Obviously I'm doing this on a revised basis, my actual entry for the contest has Sin picked to win this fight, but that's not going to happen. I'm quite proud of Master Hand for proving me right that a presence in Smash Brothers is superior to a presence in a very poorly done Final Fantasy game, though Kuja was fairly evil, if not very able to express it. Sonic fans will again carry this one through in what should be a crushing victory.