Heh, you'd think with all the free time this break is giving me that I'd manage to post a bit more often eh? As if that would ever happen. Anyways, the current status update: My car got some work done so the breaks supposedly work (better) and it got a bath so it's no longer holding 2 week old dead cherry blossoms, just 1 week by the time I get back to school. I still haven't even practiced Stick Shift, which is kinda critical, cause I really want the CD player that's in the Mazda, well, there's always Sunday I guess. Marvel vs. Capcom does things alot like Starcraft, for lack of a better analogy. For example, the game occasionally sets the computers on insane difficulties for no reason. I'll be playing along on the easiest setting ('cause I'm tired and more bored than wanting to play and my thumb is in danger of bleeding from the damn X-Box joystick) with some random assortment of oddball characters with a common theme and all of a sudden I'll get majorly thrashed (like, they'll still have a character at full life), so I'll sit up, continue, annd choose a slightly more proficent army, and still get wasted. So, after like a dozen or so more retries I'll have made it a bit farther before giving up, which I invariably do because there's no way I'm taking out Abyss's three forms on that kinda of insane difficulty adjustment.
I hope it's a nice day tomorrow cause I have to work with Bill at 1556 tomorrow and if it's like last time we'll both go insane. Well, I guess I'll have time to...well, that's a little issue isn't it. I don't have any unread comics (speaking of which, I need to do a refresher on all my comics old and new sometime), I've read them all up to date, and some of them I've reread totally just because I could. Well, I guess I'll get some sleep so I manage to awaken in time for work.
2 Minor subnotes: A) I'm job hunting for a summer job that'll pay out better hours and pay than MBE so I can buy a car, any suggestions?
B) Anyone who can find me a sprite comic prominently featuring Kirby wins bonus points, anyone who doesn't know who Kirby is, that's understandable, he's not a very famous character. Anyone wishing to debate my usage of "he" is free to do so.