Nomenclature Redux
Yeah, I already covered the names I styled for myself. This time it's those names others have attributed to me with or without my permission.
Exempting those random names that kinda fall in the in-between category, those names given to me as a direct result of the aliases I chose, names like Son, Blood, Son of a...,Sob, and various random terms of endearment accompanied with other gratuitous acts of virtual passion including, but not limited to, pouncing, hugging, and evisceration.
First on the list belongs "The Titan" which originated somewhere in the range or 7th-9th and lasted all of a week or two perhaps.
I guess I'm not really going to bother with an order, I'll just hit them as they come to me:
So, we'll throw in the result of Boys State whereby I became JC. Interesting things came out of that, but I'm too lazy to mention specifics.
Over the course of other names I've been given include, the BFG, (and here Colin's brain shuts down for pure stress overload).