Nominclative Evolutions.
Yeah, I'm trying it again. Alright, here's the whole's really pretty stupid but that's okay cause it did/does have a point at some time.
Alright. Just for the record, although it has nothing to do with anything. ICE is my standard initials for those name functions that are only 3 letters (or 3 t hearts if it's a option and it's a bad score)
So, anyways, the beginning as far as it matters was Diablo which went Man~Killer (where I had one hell of a time convincing people I wasn't a PK), then The~Blood~Lord, followed by a series of random characters including Lady~Mystra, Pandora, and Chivalry (who was a PK ironically enough), and then Son~of~Blood (which still lasts to this day and caught on in Adventurers Wanted (my channel of choice, chosen by random fate) because it was SoB (some people have too little imagination).
Son~of~Blood held on for a hell of a long time, with some minor variants. I joined WebRPG's Ethics forum as Son~of~Balid because I didn't like the vampiric implication of the name in the setting and because my father was already a poster there (as Balid, duh) and cause it was fun.
When I joined Phrozen Keep for the first time I choose FireandBrimstone for random reasons and that was fun, but it's far too difficult to hang around a D2 modding forum when you don't mod and D2 is going down the drain.
Then I finially jumped ship from ICQ because AIM didn't go "uh oh" and since everyone worth talking to apparently considered AIM better (though I still don't know why anyone would think that) but somehow SonofBlood was taken (they are on alert on my Buddylist but have never gotten online when I was) so I was forced to become SonofBloodII.
I played some Yahoo games and therefore needed an account for that as well, so I tried Sob (cause Tildes where frowned upon for some reason) and that was taken, but it suggested adding a numeral. So it became SobII, which was also taken (I was starting to get worried at this point) and Yahoo kindly suggested adding your country to the name, and thus Sobiius was born, and it's actually a rather cool name.
At various points in this I toyed with Ragnarok as well, and I let it come to life in Diablo II. In that I eventually created three accounts, Ragnarok, ZodiacPrime (cause the Zodiac is great for at least 12 free names), and Son~of~Blood and I borrowed the PLC tag from Ogre Battle 3 of N64 (PLC being "Person of Lordly Caliber."
The latest incarnation of myself is my latest name-game, for Infoceptor I have styled myself Ragnarok: Second I just have to find an avatar appropriate to that name.