Well, work today was roughly 135 minutes of tedious paper sorting, envelope stuffing, envelope labeling, and envelope sealing done by myself, Emily, Ron, and Bill. Needless to say, with that crowd, it was quite a memorable conversation filled with a variety of topics including Georgia's age of consent, Girl's Gone Wild's creator getting arrested, being a dork, Age of Empires/Shogun/Starcraft, and a lot of things that I wouldn't repeat in decent company.
I've decided that I really prefer driving at, say, 10:00 PM, as opposed to the morning and afternoon, it makes things so much easier. Too bad radio sucks at that time of night. Note to self: Learn stick shift so I can use the Mazda with it's CD player.
Wow, Spring Break is so the pinnacle of boredum. I've actually been playing my ancient Pokemon Red out of sheer lack of intrest. On the upside of the boredum, I am completely up to date on all my webcomics and I haven't added any more yet, though I probably will before the week is up.