After-Prom report.
Jiaz summed it up best: "We expected Prom to be okay and After-Prom to be great, but the result turned out to be the opposite."
I didn't really eat much at after-Prom, which was definately a mistake because my nourishment cycle is still heavy unbalanced at the moment.
The range of activities, which included watching a movie I've already seen many many times (Monty Python...) and a movie I had no major intrest in seeing (Close Encounters...) didn't do anything great for me. The massive DDR setup also held no allure because Katie and I had simply danced as hard as well could the entire time we were at Prom. I know because I'm stilll feeling it and because I've already recieved half a dozen comment without even having gone back to school.
The best part of after-Prom, besides a very tasty Shirley Temple, was definately the long chat upstairs, which is why I'm very glad I'll have those people with me at college. Those people without whom I think I'd very likely loose my mind.
After Katie woke up at 7:00 I took her home and got back to my place at about 7:30. I got the paper for my parents, checked out the news at Infoceptors forums and went to sleep. I was asleep until 11:00, where I woke up, looked at the clock, and went straight back to sleep. Then I was roused at 4:30 so I could get up and shower and go to the Orchestra Banquet, then I came home and started this blog. Damn, I really shouldn't still feel tired after a 9 hour nap.