Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Since it seems to be the thing to do...I'm in.

last cigarette: Haven't touched the stuff yet
last kiss: Haven't felt the need to
last good cry: Last time I had tears was Fantasia 2000, couldn't tell you why though. Dunno.
last library book checked out: Umm... Running with the Demon
last movie seen: X-2
last book read: I think I read all of Murder in the Cathedral
last cuss word uttered: Fscking, in reference to X-2, in a good way.
last beverage consumed: A Caffine-free Coke
last food consumed: Microwaved Calzone (Pepperoni and 4 cheeses)
last crush: Beck was the last crush, but I'm past silly things like crushes now.
last phone call: Kyle so he could drag me to see a movie.
last tv show watched: Ummm...Hey! Trigun's on!
last time showered: This Morning.
last shoes worn: Slippers preceeded by Sandals preceeded by my Addidas sneakers.
last cd played: I guess it was Jesus Christ Superstar: Disc One.
last item bought: Mine and David's Movie Tickets, I don't buy stuff often, last thing I bought before that was dinner at Prom, just to give you an idea of how rare my purchasing is.
last downloaded: Tsuneo Imahori - People Everyday (yes, that's a Trigun song)
last annoyance: Work, people at work, and my low pay-scale considering the opportunity costs.
last disappointment: Still disappointed in Judas's actions.
last soda drunk: Same as my last beverage.
last thing written: Infoceptor post.
last key used: Start up my van.
last word spoken: See my last cuss.
last sleep: Last Night
last im: Well, I had messages from Jeff and Cindy when I go back from away, haven't talekd since then.
last sexual fantasy: Sexual Fantasy? I write fantasies and there's no sex in them.
last weird encounter: Depends on how you define weird. Ran into Nick and Steve at X-2.
last ice cream eaten: I don't recall. I'd presume it was some Black Jack Cherry at least a month ago.
last time amused: X-2. Cause David and I know too much about it.
last time wanting to die: Wanting to die? See last disappointment.
last time in love: My secret, but my last crush says most of it.
last time hugged: I think Becca ambushed me a week ago, but I don't really count that.
last time scolded: Bad grades in Calc.
last time resentful: ...Don't care.
last chair sat in: Computer rolling chair. I ought to pull the other over, I like it more.
last lipstick used: Anti-Prom Junior year. You'd have to ask Lulu if she remembers.
last underwear worn: Current, your generic stuff.
last bra worn: Anti-Prom again I belive, though I could be wrong.
last shirt worn: My 2001 Savannah Sinfonia shirt, currently not wearing one though.
last time dancing: Prom
last poster looked at: Umm...Whichever poster is on the first on the way out of the left wing of Regal.
last show attended: Yes and ASO, which was a good while ago.
last webpage visited: I have Jeff's Blog (where I stole this), my Blog, and Infoc open. Take your pick.

1 MINUTE AGO: Doing this survey
1 HOUR AGO: Physics
1 DAY AGO: Threatening Kyle with "Concussion"
1 WEEK AGO: At this time on AP week? Either sleeping or posting.
1 YEAR AGO: Sleeping
I HURT: Currently? My wrists could use some advil.
I FEAR: Letting Judas make decisions again.
I HOPE: I get to smile more
I FEEL: Oddly discontent.
I HIDE: Everything. Nothing is more fun.
I DRIVE: '89 Minivan until work coughs up enough cash for me to get something nicer.
I MISS: See "I HOPE" and "I FEEL"
I LEARNED: The truth about Beck.
I THINK: That I need to focus more often.

current clothes: Khaki Jeans, white socks, and a pair of black slippers.
current mood: See "I FEEL"
current music: Tesla - Song and Emotion (though too soft for me to hear cause I'm ignoring Winamp) now Therion - Invocation of Naamah.
current taste: I didn't drink enough water today.
current annoyance: This chair is itchy and I'm thirsty.
current smell: Thanks to allergies there isn't one.
current thing i should be doing: There isn't one, save for maybe sleeping.
current desktop picture: Random Biohazard logo David put on here from Digital Paradox.
current refreshment: Ought to get some water, but I'll likely have chocolate milk before sleeping.

Name: Colin William Webster
Nicknames: There was a whole post on it, check it out yourself.
Address: Alpharetta, Ga
College Plans: G Tech: Some form of engineering.
Birthday: 10/12/84
Birthplace: Atlanta
Siblings: David and Ian
Parents: Clive and Valerie
Pets: 2 cats and a dwindling number of fish.
Hair Color: Dark dark brown.
Eye Color: Varies with my surrondings (that's fun to say), hazel by default I think.
Height: 6'4" roughly when I try.
Piercings: None yet, though I have thought about it.
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right and while I love to work my left hand to write as well, my handwriting is bad enough with my good hand.
What's your most comfortable piece of clothing?: Jeans, my slippers, and the black Fila shirt seem to work best. Though tux pants with an open dress shirt and my rockports is fun too.
Goal in Life: At present, to figure out my goal.

Where can you usually be found?: Wandering used to be my answer. H117 when not in class, else at home or in class.
Who would you be with?: Usually solitary
What's your idea of a dream date?: I'm a romantic who's trying to deal with realities.
Are you timely or always late?: Often late, but I try very hard not to be.
Whats your biggest turn off in the opposite sex?: Someone who can't appreciate music.

Color: I don't do favorite colors
Book: Hitchhiker's
Food: Whatever tastes good.
Restaurant: At present, Hops.
TV show: i try and avoid TV. I've seen most of the good stuff it bothers showing.
Movie: Fight Club cause I haven't seen it recently.
Song: Rhapsody- Soul Miner's Daughter and REM - Nightswimming
Sport: I don't play any. Most are fun to watch.
Holiday: Columbus Day cause it's my birthday and underapprectiated.
Month: September, when Fall gets into swing.
Season: See above
Flower: I'm not good with flowers.
Vacation: The beach. You can meet neat people there and watch them get bowled over by waves chest high on me.
School Subject: I really like doing French when I'm actually doing French
Radio Station: NPR after Midnight.
Soda: Hops' Root Beer, Barq's Red Cream Soda, any Ginger Ale, and IBC's Cherry Limeaide.