I'm going to have to create a third sub-directory if I keep this up. Added All My Nightcrawlers , Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal , and Warp 9 to Hell to my comics list. I can't really give good reviews being not very far into any of them, but oh well.
Orchestra Concert Friday Night at 7:30, it's going to be very good. Not a very good selection of standard orchestral songs, but the Symphony really makes up for that, absolutely incredible. And just so I can get it out of the way now, instead of post-concert and Senior Field Day and possibly Matrix (wow will I be tired) the Band is very very awesome for us. They deserve much credit. So many solos for them all (which happens alot when you're at most 4 in a section) and the vast majority are played very well (very well coming from a discerning ear). Downside to the damn concert is we're not wearing Tuxes, which I don't like because I really prefer the diginifed look. Costume is nice and all, but there's just something better about being in black regalia (quick, someone mention the cute asians in the silky black orchestra dresses).
Rehearsal today went well, although I'm thinking a regular concert without all the extras is nicer. Sure it'll look great, blend well, but I'm not for the over-the-top approach. Getting home took forever because my car decided to die on me. It's alive again though, hurrah for jumper cables, I need to smack some sense into it though. I would've been home much earlier, but I instead had to wait on my mother, who managed at least 4 major conversations on her way out (all the while carrying a large glass pot full of taco meat). Jin showed up, gave me the standard derogatory remarks that he always does (it's a Jin thing) and Nick was there as well (but he's been around pretty frequently cause classes are out for him) and apparently he played with the Chorus, though I didn't attend so I don't know what he did. I don't think I'll have that kind of legacy next year though I might manage to find some reason to come back...maybe. For Gray and Scher definately, but beyond that there's only perhaps Chang and maybe Bolt of Calc gets some cool rising Seniors in it.
i have no idea if I have orchestra rehearsal tomorrow. I'm assuming yes because somewhere along the lines I'd love to hear Beethoven sound somewhat decent before we perform it (heh, that's what I get for missing Orch for AP's I guess) and I think we've got an hour or so alloted sometime tomorrow, hoping that I don't get burned by the sun.
Current Graduation Tally, 2 congradulations totalling $75, wow. Those Announcements really are useful.
Mmmm.... Lunar Eclipses are cool, though damaging to look at, although I think 3 comics at once did worse.