Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Heh. I doubt I'll be posting anything today. Nothing too special happened and I need to get some Calc studying done. Until I again feel inspired.

Well, Change of plans. I think I'm about as studied as I can possibly get, or at least as I care to get. It ought to be a nice 5 on Calc unless they pull something really evil upon. If someone has an extra Ti-Series Calc could they bring it? Mine's dead in the water (I guess batteries would cool too, but I doubt I remember to bring my adding machine). Just came from getting my ass handed to me in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. 13 strait losses to David's team of Chun-Li, Sakura, and Magneto. I want to know what the hell his "easy" setting versus my "normal" does for him. He seems to pull of his safety rolls (Ie: the crap that lets him avoid a jump-in combo -though I'm too anti-cheapness to use them anyways) and all the other special function attacks much easier. Oh well, just not my game I guess. Technically I'm better, but I care not to be cheap too much. Oh well, I'm going to go sleep and read, probablly in reverse order. So much for watching Trigun. Aw well, that's how life works sometimes.

I'd better get a 5 on Calc. I know what I'm doing for the most part (I just always screw up the second fundamental theorem of Calc, have this last second forgotten Arc Lenth for regular graphs, and can feel my knowledge of Series falling out of my mind (but at least those I can derive), and I still suck at any test that's not ratio), I feel confident, I have plenty of sleep. Guess I'll try and give those topics a perusal, though I hate looking at them through the book, but my notes are insufficient.

My Washington State (just location origin) package came in today :). I'd say what was inside but I'll be fairly obvious methinks since I've even made several comments about it.