Alright. I was discussing with my father my theory that the combined blast radii of all the world's current nuclear weapons would be, at best, just barely enough to eliminate Australia. I finished by saying "excluding radiation or nuclear winter" whereupon he quickly responded "just remember, if it's nuclear winter there, it's nuclear summer here."
Anyways, Palmer is a paranoid person. I mean I understand where he's coming from and all, but since he'll be out for All-State today (check post time) and tomorrow anyone who misses first period and comes to school later in the day will lose a letter grade unless we have a doctor's note or he calls home and talks to our parents, not that my parents would mind lying, but that's a totally different story.
Anyways. The Red Cross has started to worry me. Firstly, they tracked me down at work to schedule an appointment, which was just really eerie. Anyways, they've streamlined the process so that instead of handing you the questionnaire they pull you out of a database (so you don't have to fill out your Name, Race, Sex, Address, Phone #, Age, DOB, and SSN everytime) and then read you the 31 questions instead of making you circle them (btw, it's required that you circle each one individually. Even if the answer for 1-27 is no, you can't just make one big circle, you have to have 27 little circles). Anyways, my "nurse"/screener was an african american with a thick accent (well, not accent, he was just hard to understand) and he read every single question including the ones beginning "Are you a woman who..." I answered the first one of those "Are you a woman who has had sex with a man who has had sex, even once, with another man?" with a no and the "Are you a woman who is or has been pregnant in the past 6 months?" with an 'I hope not' which prompted my screener to go off on a tangent about the movie "Junior"...I hope I don't have nightmares. Some of the questions seem really repetitive, here's some examples: "Do you have AIDS","Have you been diagnosed with AIDS?" Or the spree of "Have you ever taken drugs or money in exchange for sex?" "Have you ever given drugs or money in exchange for sex?" "Have you ever had sex with anyone, even once, who has ever given drugs or money in exchange for sex?" "Have you ever had sex with anyone, even who, who has ever taken drugs or money in exchange for sex?" That sort of thing.
I got to ride in the 2003 Accord. Very nice. 2.153 K miles exactly, 6 speed, pretty, fast, good sound system with 6 dics changer and steering wheel controls, a bit short, but oh well.