Well, since it stands freshest in my memory at the moment I shall attempt to reproduce my Orchestra Senior Will for my own purposes. So, in no particular order.
To Edmund I bequeath myriad memories: All Night Bomberman and the Piano in Savannah.
Sophia All the time I've ever wasted because I know she could use it.
Jordan: I think you should steal Sophia's award (Most Likely to be the next Gap model) on the way out.
Becca: I think you should have gotten the powderpuff award.
Christine: All those great Guys and Dolls memories.
Johnathan Shaw: All of Tim's responsabilities and duties, whatever they might have been and the task of bringing Albert to all the concerts so everyone can go "awww, how cute."
Tim:No. Just No. I'll see you at Tech anyways.
Christine and Christina: Just remember, I always knew which was which.
Kasey:You get nothing because you took Nick to Prom and you've already had everything.
Helen: My hopes that you do better than a mere 1440 on your Sat's and a better than a 98 in your classes.
Mike: A rhyming dictionary so you won't have to revolve all your songs about Cletus the fetus.
Jackie: A regular dictionary so you can find a wider variety of things to say.
Yichen: The greatest Chinese Chess player I've ever seen, you played one game and you won it.
Katie: I hope your next two Proms are at least as good.
Lindsay: See that Katie stays out of trouble.
Kathleen: The great and terrible responsability of leading the Bass section.
Nikhil: Actually, this is from the school, they want your school spirit back, they think it'll be empty without it.
Becca: I think you should have gotten the powerpuff award.
Schimidt: A plea from Chang that you join Jazz Band and a bottle of Tylenol to help you cope with Kathleen.
Keith: My ability to not only lock my roommates out, but to sleep through all their attempts to wake me up so I could let them in.
Sonica The pride of being a Sinfonia celloist and keep Keith out of trouble.
Hannah Hi Helen.