Wednesday, May 21, 2003

X-2 Time, since hopefully Netscape will stop it with those stupid illegal operations and random crashes so I can actually get the post finished this time. This might be a little detailed in a roundabout way because I don't want to spoil anything, but I do want to cover some issues, and I have way too much knowledge about X-Men as a comic that it'll all come through.

I saw X-2 at roughly 5 previews past 10:05. Finding Nemo and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen both look like they'll be worth watching. Now whether or not they'll be worth paying to see in theaters is another story, though if Pixar is true to course the short before Finding Nemo should be worth my $6.50. Anyways. The theatre contained Kyle, David, Nick, Steve Trantor, Nick and Steve's friend whose name I don't recall offhand, myself, and a whopping six other people. It was really really empty, I like my movies like that.

Anyways, the quality of the movie was good, fantastic special effects. I didn't like the way Kurt Wagner looked, but that cannot be helped, because beyond his actual appearance (the face wasn't right) he was exactly the personality he should have been, a bit more combatative, but that's not suprising, and German is such a fun language.

Pyro is developped very well, which I believe is the general idea. But he isn't developped enough to justify his actions either. David doesn't think the Brotherhood is going to appear, but I think the stage is pretty much set, but that could just be me.

The pace moves fast enough, though all the damn kids are once again faces in the crowd without using powers save for one of them, who was much younger than he should be, but that's a different matter. Some of the concepts are rather contrived, but you've got to get things done somehow. The foreshadowing is nice, is blatent to someone with any knowledge of the storyline of X-Men. There are some fun little issues thrown in for fans, Beast for example. But the violence is too bloodless given what actually occurs. Tons of fatalities and not much actual blood to show for it. Point blank grenades would make a mess.

Of course the movie still lacks several characters, but that's really a whole different world of a complaint. So, it's time for the lightning round:

1)What character, linked in Storm's past and just above Magneto in the mutant database is missing?

2)What character, who is, to quote Mutant Genesis the "resident psionic japanese-by-the-way-of-britain ninja warrior" also needs to make at least a child appearance?

3)Who is the all too Asian mutant in the last scene? Hint: The earrings are a dead giveaway.

4)Two characters aren't wearing enough green, one is rogue, the other is foreshadowing, who?

That'll do it for now, I need to go pickup David in a bit, then eat some Lunch, and then go to earn some cash

Or David will take the bus home so he doesn't get rained on...oh well.

5)What doesn't Cyclops do, it might be at the end of the credits, for once I didn't stay for them? Hint: The answer is not something, although that is quite true.