Friday, March 28, 2003

Musical keeps getting better...well, better attendance at least. For some amusement, ask Dan about his Buick, or if you can't wait/remember until Monday, here's the line our Friday night listeners missed. During the "Bachelor Party" scene, after the officer advises eloping up to Buffalo:
Dan: Yeah, I'll let you borrow my get-away car, (Officer gives him a look) Buick.

Alright, my curiousness has arisen: for those who have gone to the musical, what was your favorite joke, scene, song, etc.?

Yay, the audience keeps getting better: Today was Jiaz, D'Oraz, Jeff, Lulu, Shelly, Ting, Sonica, Keith (Happy Birthday Keith!), David Tedj., Veronica, Kevin, Nick (with black hair), Johnathan, Victoria, and anyone else I may have missed.

In non-musical music news, Graduated Viola player Kathryn Spraws came to visit us today in orchestra! And ended up playing spades with Tim, Edmund, and I (just when you thought the orchestra was strange to begin with). Btw, for those keeping score, Kathryn and I were kicking butt.

And in non-musical non-music news. There was another, totally random, questioning of my sexual orientation. Anyways, the short side of the story is: I was shouting across the half the parking lot (short length of the parking lot) to Nathan about not having seen Melanie and after which a group of little girls (were talking like elementary school age it sounded like) shouted "Hey boys." *giggle giggle giggle* "Are you gay?" *giggle* *giggle*. John and I were glad to see the next generation was hard at work at being even less of a promising hope, and no, I don't shout back yes, or on, or anything at all.

I'm sure that there's more I ought to be mentioning, such as Speed Blackjack, but that's a topic left to Jiaz to discuss.